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§ Iissiidiology puts all the modern concepts about consciousness in their place

This is adopted English translations of Iissiidiology. Fundamentals. Volume 1

How Consciousness is described now in philosophical, sociological and psychological views. IISSIIDIOLOGY puts all the concepts in their places. Features of Energy-Plasma. SFUURMM-forms have energy-potential which creates the form and geometry of space. Self-consciousness is universal and not related to the dimension. The "personal" self-consciousness doesn’t have a form..


1.0254 What is Consciousness? In currently recognized philosophical, sociological, and psychological conceptions, this is one of fundamental notions that defines «a human ability of ideal reproduction of reality in thinking» or «the highest form of psychological reflection typical of a socially-developed human being that is connected with speech and represents an ideal side of telic activity.» In some definitions from the Internet, consciousness is considered as «a form through which objective reality is reflected in human psychology»; moreover, it is assumed that «an intermediate link between objective reality and consciousness is represented by elements of social-and-historical practice that allow to create objective (generally accepted) pictures of the world.» It is also commonly supposed that consciousness acts in two forms: individual (personal) and social.

1.0255 Self-Consciousness is mainly interpreted in modern society as «a human being’s awareness and assessment of himself/herself as a personality: personal moral image and interests, values, behavior motivations»; or this is «an entity’s awareness of itself as distinguished from others — relative to other subjects and the world in whole»; or this is «a human being’s awareness of his/her social status and essentially important needs, thoughts, feelings, motivations, instincts, experience, actions»; or this is «a human being’s awareness and assessment of his/her knowledge, personal moral image and interests, ideals and behavior motivations, a comprehensive assessment of himself/herself as a doer, as a feeling and thinking being.» In addition, it is assumed that «self-consciousness is typical not only of an individual but also of society, a class, a social group, when they achieve understanding of their status in the industrial relations system, of their common interests and ideals.»

1.0256 As you see there are very many definitions of Consciousness and Self-Consciousness, nonetheless, all of them just differently interpret the multisided manifestation of this phenomenon, and none of them reveals its main Essence in any way: What is Consciousness or Self-Consciousness? Where is it «located»? How is it represented in the outer reality and with which purpose it manifests in each particular case? How does it function inside itself and with other similar structures? Does it have any structure at all? If it does, then what are its component parts and how does it interact with the brain and its analogs in insects, protozoa, microorganisms, and plants? Although there are many definitions and conceptions of Consciousness in the human community, they do not answer numerous serious questions. Modern sciences (including philosophy and psychology) have not yet given a meaningful and convincing response to any of them. Moreover, up to now, scientists have not managed to find out one main point: whether Self-Consciousness is associated with the brain or represents a certain independent realization model of intelligence reflection that uses the brain functionality just as a particular mechanism for its individual manifestation. In contrast, IISSIIDIOLOGY sets everything in its place.

1.0257 All the next books of «IISSIIDIOLOGY. Fundamentals» and several large chapters in «Commentaries to Fundamentals» are completely dedicated to a detailed description of all Self-Consciousness structures organized by Form-Creators (the twelve IISSIIDI Centers and interconnections that unite all of them), therefore, I am not going to give full details now and will only state some general Conceptions of Self-Consciousness and its functions. For a better understanding of this matter, let me remind you what Energy-Plasma includes. In a few words (you will find very detailed descriptions of Its Essence further in this text), Energy-Plasma is structured by slloogrent Configurations of an infinite set of information fragments, each of which has the universal ability to simultaneously combine with many other fragments and form — in each particular case — completely unique (in their Essence) complex-configuration information combinations or SFUURMM-Forms (subjective Conceptions).

1.0258 A distinctive feature of each such SFUURMM-Form is that in addition to its unique individual information composition (content), it also has a certain Energy Potential that stably holds, fixes — that is, focuses! — all information fragments of this combination together. The Potential’s specific parameters endow the whole heterogeneous Configuration of Information fragmented in a certain manner with the property that is extremely important to us — a Form («curvature,» «geometry») that represents the main manifestation mechanism of any heterogeneous Information in Space-Time (similar to the notion «Minkowski space» — metric space obtained from finite-dimensional normalized space with a distance function).

1.0259 The Configurations of information fragments that specifically combine with each other and the Principle of focus (that is, mutually-determined, mutually-interested, interdependent, and so on) interconnections created by them provide every resonational point of Space-Time manifestation with unique metric characteristics and properties (dimension type, energy parameters, Information density in a volume of a Form’s manifestation, and so on). This means that each object of the outer reality represents a certain set (a sum of specific qualitative combinations) of Focuses of fragmented Energy-Information that have different-qualitative interconnections with each other through their typical Interests (a high degree of covarllertness and liyllusceeveness).


§ Self- Consciousness is a set of forms that structure Collective Cosmic Intelligence

This is adopted English translations of Iissiidiology. Fundamentals. Volume 1

Self-Consciousness is a set of forms that structure Collective Cosmic Intelligence (KKR). The Capacity of SSS-Entity Self-Consciousness depends on the number of fragments disproportionately. Collective Cosmic Intelligence (KKR) is structured by Collective Consciousness. An analog of this notion is described on an example of construction company activities.


1.0265 If we leave aside the very complex and infinite (in their different-qualitative multidimensionality) informational interconnections between Info-Creators of the Macrocosmos who, together with Form-Creators, provide the simultaneous slloogrent Focus Dynamics of the SSS-Entity of synthetic manifestation Type, it is possible to say that the SSS-Entity’s Self-Consciousness represents an integral of absolutely all types and kinds of Self-Consciousnesses Forms that structure an infinite set of Collective Cosmic Intelligences of the Macrocosmos (here, the terms «Self-Consciousness» and «Intelligence» should be considered as «a part of the Whole» and «the Whole,» respectively, but not as a certain opposition). Nonetheless, you should take into account that the slloogrent Energy-Information Potential is much more than just a simple sum of Potentials that belong to «individual» parts of the general reconverstive-focal Configuration, because the quality degree and the information «capacity» of the SSS-Entity’s Self-Consciousness are not directly proportional to «the number» of constituent «parts,» while their interconnections with each other can be compared with functions of a very complex realizational Mechanism that specifically regulates a qualitative increase of the Form-Creators’ Focus Dynamics with each their subsequent focus state that inevitably entails an increase in the covarllertness degree between heterogeneous fragments of Information that resonationally structure each their focal Configuration.

1.0266 All possible Levels of creative realization of the SSS-Entity’s Self-Consciousness by means of the slloogrent Focus Dynamics of the Macrocosmos’s Higher Intelligence are represented by all possible types of Collective and Collegial Cosmic Intelligences in various manifestation conditions. That which we define as the Collective Consciousness of a certain Proto-Form (for example, the Collective Consciousness of humankind formed by subjective Conceptions of a certain human community on the planetary scale), represents within the slloogrent Focus Dynamics of its CCI the result of multiple and differently-directed creative realization only of those differentiated (by the CCI) Self-Consciousnesses Forms which are manifested in a particular dimensional diapason.

1.0267 Thus, different groups of «human» STC may be structured by different-dimensional NUU-VVU-Configurations in multiple versions: for example, in some Continuums, the Focus Dynamics of people are manifested in the 2.5-3.0-dimensional diapason (or in 2.5-3.1; 2.5-3.2; 2.5-3.3; 2.5-3.4; 2.5-3.5…), in other STC, the Focus Dynamics are manifested in the 2.6-3.2-dimensional diapason (or in 2.6-3.3; 2.6-3.4; 2.6-3.5; 2.6-3.6; 2.6-3.7; 2.6-3.8…-dimensional diapasons), in some other STC — in 2.7-3.5; 2.7-3.6; 2.7-3.7; 2.7-3.8…-dimensional diapasons, in some STC — in 2.8-3.6; 2.8-3.7; 2.8-3.8…- dimensional diapasons; 2.8-3.8; 2.8-3.9; 2.8-4.0; 2.8-4.1…-dimensional diapasons, in some other ones — in …2.9-3.9…; v …3.0-4.0…; …3.1-4.1…; …3.2-4.2…; 3.3-4.3…, and so on. Each of these (and infinitely many other groups of «human» STC) is structured by a seemingly separate kind of Collective Consciousness of humankind whose subjective Focus Dynamics objectively differs from all other ones in the absence or, on the contrary, the presence of SFUURMM-Forms from some dimensional Levels that are untypical of the humankind’s Collective Consciousness kinds that structure other groups of «human» STC (the same is true for the Collective Consciousnesses of humankind that structure all protoformal STC).

1.0268 Any different-type Collective Consciousnesses are attached not to a certain Self-Consciousness Form of their development Direction (for example, only to lutal or christal focal Configurations) but just to STC groups. That is, CCI of each type is represented through the whole multidimensional diapason of Its manifestation by all the Focus Dynamics of various Collective Consciousness kinds that form It. For example, the slloogrent Focus Dynamics of the Collective Cosmic Intelligence of the LLUU-VVU-oriented development Direction is simultaneously manifested by various Self-Consciousnesses Forms (wave-type, flaks-type, vuolds-type, orfrovt-type, pruuiss-type, ijmijll-type, peeppt-type, iissmm-type, lyuullff-type) by means of the Focus Dynamics associated with countless kinds of Collective Consciousnesses of Humankind that have their realizations in the common diapason from the 2.5 dimension to the 12th dimension.

1.0269 The simplest example of CCI which you can understand best is a large construction firm whose organizational structure includes many different units (teams, branches, production departments, and even its own manufacturing facilities), and each unit has its own function in the joint simultaneous activity of «the firm» (CCI); the work inside each seemingly separate unit is being done by various people, and each person carries out a more specialized function or several functions. One unit provides all other ones with necessary materials and equipment, another unit is responsible for excavation and making foundations, a third unit is responsible for the power supply network, a forth one supervises sewage, a fifth one constructs walls, floors, and roofs, a sixth unit performs finishing works, a seventh unit installs windows and doors, and so on.

1.0270 The whole simultaneous activity of the firm can be compared with the Collective Cosmic Intelligence of LLUU-VVU, that is, not only with the entire aggregate of one-type slloogrent Self-Consciousnesses Forms simultaneously manifested in all dimensional diapasons of the Tertiary Energy-Plasma but also with particular results of the activity which they perform on each Level of their manifestation. Every unit of the firm is a hypothetical analog of the Collective Consciousness of humankind in a certain STC group. Each employee of the firm may be compared with an individual Self-Consciousness Form of this CCI that carries out its unique set of synthetic transformations on each dimensional Level (that is, provides its own functions — within the LLUU-VVU-oriented birvulyarity type — during the realization of all Synthesis processes in the Tertiary Energy-Plasma). The SSS-Entity’s Self-Consciousness has infinitely many of such «firms,» each of which provides its own part of the general Focus Dynamics of the Macrocosmos’s Higher Intelligence. All of them interact with each other to some extent for the most complete and thorough fulfillment of their functions. Realization of all these interconnections is provided according to the Principle of Diffuzgentness.

1.0271 Therefore, you can subjectively imagine all the infinite diversity of Collective Cosmic Intelligences (in our example, one CCI is the firm that unites employees who directly carry out responsibilities imposed on them) as an information-communication Principle of the SSS-Entity’s Self-Consciousness, and this Principle allows to structure each resonational point of Space-Time by corresponding focal Configurations (Self-Consciousnesses Forms, specific sets of Form-Creators and Info-Creators) necessary for the organization of all possible interactions between different Directions of Its Creativity (Interests). This means that Collective Cosmic Intelligences are unique Sources that generate, inside any Self-Consciousness, fragments of Information (Info-Creators) that specifically combine with each other, and these fragments — during their resonational interaction with the dissonation part of their reconverstive Configurations (Focuses, Form-Creators) — form the Mechanism of subjective Self-knowledge which we define as Self-Consciousnesses Forms.


§ Only you are responsible for everything that happens in your life. FLAKS-creators do not have a direct influence on us

This is adopted English translations of Iissiidiology. Fundamentals. Volume 1

Only you are responsible for everything that happens in your life. FLAKS-creators do not have a direct influence on our choices. Neither scenarios nor NUU-VVU-Forms (our bodies) can not be changed, because everything already originally is.

1.0320 Only you — and no one else! — resonationally attract all your «current» Conceptions from ready sets of SFUURMM-Forms of the collective Subconsciousness, thus you strongly confirm them in your «personalized» Self-Consciousness. You alone are responsible for all spheres of your life creativity, for any circumstance of your Life, for the development of some of your abilities and bents or for their absence, for any misfortune or victory that structure the scenarios of rotation Cycles which you have voluntarily chosen from among a series of possible decisions. Everything in your Life happens in full conformity with chosen-by-you Conceptions of «yourself» and of the outer reality. After being subjectively reflected in your Perception system by means of some Thoughts and Feelings, any SFUURMM-Form is registered in the temporal ethereal constituent (individual ODS) as an individual «file» of energoinformational interconnections typical of a particularly synthesized Experience; and all your reactions to all numerous «Offers» of the FLAKS-Creators of the collective Subconsciousness represent logically systematized derivatives of some of these «files» realized as actual results of preferences chosen by you.

1.0321 Considering functions of the collective Subconsciousness from the point of view of the «personalized» Self-Consciousness’ Form-Creators, the mechanism of its indirect influence over the quality of any «unpackings» carried out by the Form-Creators is not associated with a certain purposeful activity of the FLAKS-Creators. They do not try to control in any way choices of the «personalized» Self-Consciousness’ Form-Creators and to categorically influence anything: everything completely differs from our Conceptions of any hierarchical pattern. Creators of the collective Subconsciousness do not make any assessment and do not impose their subjective views on anybody; they are free from any dualistic division into «bad» or «good,» «profitable» or «unprofitable.» They simply make an absolute statement and register in your temporal ethereal constituent everything that has at least some relation to your individual rotation Cycle, «projecting» and reinforcing all these energoinformational interconnections in the individual ODS of the «personality» focused by you.

1.0322 The collective Subconsciousness just provides all necessary Information for carrying out the «executive» functions imposed on the «personalized» Self-Consciousness’ Form-Creators; these functions completely depend on the quality of the Focus Dynamics resonationally generated by them. It is «personality» — in its moment-by-moment psycho-mental reactions — that individually models and programs the sequence and qualitative «unpacking» of the slloogrent content of its collective Subconsciousness, «projecting» the most resonational «parts» of it onto the perspective picture of its possible «personalized» existence in some particular scenarios. It is you, but not the FLAKS-Creators, who decide whether you «personally» need or need not some Information, whether it is beneficial, interesting, and useful.

1.0323 Remember: any scenario of your possible multipolarized development in Worlds’ Form-Systems and any NUU-VVU-Configuration resonationally «chosen by you» never and under no circumstances can be changed at least slightly, because this is impossible in principle — absolutely everything already «initially» is (that is, always happens to be); nonetheless, you — through the Focus Dynamics of your typical thinking-feeling processes — actively and continuously change the qualitative state of your refocusings in Self-Consciousnesses Forms that structure development scenarios in various STC groups. A great number of diversified versions of your infinite «future» are revealed in front of you at each next instant of Existence, and only you yourself, but not certain mysterious «superpowerful forces,» can take an active part to make your «future» the most favorable to you.

§ The difference between Focus Dynamics of biological and bioplasmic bodies. Activation of other amino acids

This is adopted English translations of Iissiidiology. Fundamentals. Volume 1

The comparison of VEN- unpacking as the two groups of people who are attracted to each other's hands. The difference between Focus Dynamics of biological and bioplasmic bodies. Activation of other amino acids, the release of energy from low tensor, various changes in the body.

1.0330 I must say that all TEC-«unpackings» of the Form-Creators’ Focus Dynamics of «the personalized» Self-Consciousness (that is, individual psychological reactions) are carried out because the information space of Self-Consciousness has an infinite set of different-qualitative SFUURMM-Forms of Information continuously «projected» by the Form-Creators of the lower collective Subconsciousness into duvuyllerrt groups of less synthesized focal Configurations. You can imagine this «picture» of bilateral energoinformational interconnections as a multitude of much more perfect and developed people that have achieved a certain evolutional level and a higher-quality intermediate goal on their path, and people that are yet on the other side of this path and assisted by the more developed people. Some people from the second group have discerned and used that help (have intuitively made a higher-quality choice) and have become one step closer to their cherished goal, while some of them continue to irrationally persist, categorically deny, and reject any help, using only their own instinctive Experience (the collective unconsciousness) and reacting to everything that happens around only from the point of view of low-quality protoformal reactions.

1.0331 Then what is the difference in the energoinformational Essence between the Form-Creators’ Focus Dynamics in NUU-VVU-Form-Types’ biological analogs and in «bioplasmic» focus-type NUU-VVU-Configurations? In the first place, the latter Self-Consciousnesses Forms are transitional to us and pertain to the LLUU-VVU-Type; they are between our «current» states of «not-yet-people» (that is, the sources of Focus Dynamics with the insufficient inter-Qualitative Synthesis that involves Aspects of the two initial LLUU-VVU-oriented Dominants) and «already-people» (that have synthesized the State of «Creative Cosmic Potentiality» in their focal Configurations which is initial for LLUU-VVU-Forms). Depending on the quality of Focus Dynamics’ structures of all our «personalized» Interpretations, some development scenarios of this transitional stage may last many «years» and «decades» in our individual rotation Cycles, while others may take «centuries» and «millennia.»

1.0332 In the second place, as you remember, biological analogs, as well as all other physical Forms of the outer reality, are subjectively formed in the general Focus Dynamics of «human» STC during a rezomiral «projection» and «a quantum shift» (on the «Bioscreens» of Perception systems) of about 300-400 duvuyllerrt-sequential information blocks of different-qualitative focal Configurations (Stereo-Types) per second, each of which is structured by detailed Information about all types of low-quality and high-quality interactions (from Form-Creators of atoms, molecules, cells of organs and systems to interconnections between the brain Form-Creators and other «personalized» Interpretations) that integrally form the Focus Dynamics of our type.

1.0333 In contrast, a «bioplasmic» analog of the NUU-VVU-Form-Type, whose manifestation is also based on the principle of rezomiral «projection» of its structural energoinformational interconnections in the Focus Dynamics, is formed according to the principle of covarllert «mutual superposition» of much more universal (higher-frequency) focal Configurations, which allows to reduce the number of Stereo-Types that are sequentially manifested on the «bioscreen» one after another from 300-400 to 100-200 per second. It becomes possible owing to a much greater synthesis degree of «bioplasmic» focal Configurations as compared with our NUU-VVU-Forms; they are structured by much larger «volumes» of Information which allows them to form less «dense» (less inertial) manifestation Forms of Self-Consciousness in Space-Time.

1.0334 Due to a natural activation (or a sequential introduction, because this transition is fulfilled in different ways in different STC) of many new high-frequency amino acids in human DNA, there is considerable modernization and universalization of the functions of bio-Creators of many biological systems and organs, and, as a result, an enormous energy potential is released in the Focus Dynamics of «a personality,» which we now use to overcome or to realize strong low-frequency tensors. Owing to this, representatives of the «bioplasmic» humankind have not only such natural abilities as telepathy, teleportation, telekinesis, and clairvoyance, but also many other ways of creative realization that are now inaccessible to us due to our typical egoistic Focus Dynamics fixedly structured by low-frequency SFUURMM-Forms: aggressiveness, envy, greed, jealousy, criticism, ignorance, lust, hypocrisy, and so on.

1.0335 Gradually shifting the Focus Dynamics into «bioplasmic» analogs of our NUU-VVU-Form-Types, the «obsession» with many egocentric interests and necessity of biological survival (the maintenance of vital functions of one’ s own organism) drastically decreases, and there is great restructuring of the energy-and-information content — almost the whole gastrointestinal tract loses its current functions, which results in a great increase of efficiency of the brain Form-Creators. Owing to this, cellular structures also become considerably improved and more perfect: cell membranes, endoplasmic reticulum, and Golgi apparatus cardinally transform and serve as a mechanism for the synthesis of necessary Energy directly from air and sun light (photons); the mode of participation of mitochondria in chemical reactions that form adenosine triphosphate also undergoes a considerable modification; such ancient areas of the brain as hypothalamus and hypophysis are also significantly transformed in our «bioplasmic» organism and partially change their current functioning mode (let me remind you that the Form-Creators of hypothalamus are responsible for safety and wellbeing of «a personality,» they change our mood, generate such feelings as hunger, thirst, aggression, rage, fear, and irrepressible sexual desire; they also control the hormonal functions of the hypophysis Form-Creators), excluding possible TEC-«unpackings» of low-frequency SFUURMM-Forms of the collective unconsciousness and of the lower «personalized» Self-Consciousness from the Focus Dynamics.

§ Supraconsciousness. Ultraconsciousness. Protoconsciousness. Hyperconsciousness, The Star Consciousness of AIY-YAA Entity

This is adopted English translations of Iissiidiology. Fundamentals. Volume 1

Supraconsciousness. Ultraconsciousness (Overconsciousness) is LLUU-VVU’s cumulative Consciousness. Protoconsciousness, Hyperconsciousness, The Star Consciousness of AIY-YAA Entity.

1.0343 Becoming more and more perfect in quality in the LLUU-VVU-oriented Direction of birvulyarity, focal Configurations of FLAKS-Creators from the higher collective Subconsciousness are duvuyllerrtly transformed into the Focus Dynamics of VUOLDS-Creators of the lower, medium, and higher Supraconsciousness (from 4.75 to 5.5-6.0 dimensions — the lower, from 5.5-6.0 to 7.0-7.5 dimensions — the medium, or the Superconsciousness, from 7.0-7.5 to 8.0 dimension — the higher). I would subjectively define characteristics of FLAKS-Creators as «intuitive, high feelings,» and would characterize the functional influence of Information from VUOLDS- and ORFROVT-Creators over the Focus Dynamics of a highly-developed «personality» as «intuitive superknowledge» (high-feeling superintellect) by means of which such «a personality» can have highly concentrated SFUURMM-Forms about simultaneous parallel existences in individual rotation Cycles not only of all countless «personalized» Interpretations of a given Stereo-Form but also of all other Form-Types of a given LLUU-VVU in this manifestation diapason.

1.0344 Being specifically (simultaneously-sequentially) «projected» both onto manifestation Levels of the Focus Dynamics of the collective Subconsciousness and onto Levels of the «personalized» Self-Consciousness, Information of the Supraconsciousness allows highly-developed «personalities» to much more adequately perceive their interactions with any Self-Consciousnesses Forms of their outer reality and to create the strategy of their relations in a completely conscious and reasonable way, not on the basis of egoistic needs but rather thoroughly «filtering out» such needs and Desires through the intuitive logic of high-feeling Intelligence. Owing to this, the Supraconsciousness is the most important functional center of manifestation of some superabilities and talents in «a personality» that are spontaneously manifested in special states as a spiritual enlightenment or a high-intellect creative insight. All brilliant ideas, theories, and laws of natural science appeared not as a result of persistent rational and logical thinking, but on the basis of a subtly developed Intuition, a sudden insight, supernatural revelation or even extrasensory Perception of certain Images of superuniversal Fields-Consciousnesses that resonate with «the internal vision» of the human being that receives them.

1.0345 The highest-quality manifestation Levels of PRUUISS-Creators of the higher Supraconsciousness in the 8-11-dimensional diapason duvuyllerrtly transform into diverse manifestations of the Creative Activity of IYMIYLL-, PEEPPT-, IISSMM-, and LYUULLFF-Creators of the Ultraconsciousness (or of the combined Consciousness of LLUU-VVU) whose beyond-time structures of the variable ethereal component include configurationally-encoded general Information that belongs to the temporal ethereal constituents of Stereo-Types of absolutely all Form-Types simultaneously manifested in all diverse space-time Continuums through all different-qualitative Self-Consciousnesses Forms of LLUU-VVU that structure all Time Flows. The Ultraconsciousness’ VEC concentrates all the Information about the whole diversity of possible development versions characteristic of the LLUU-VVU-oriented birvulyarity type. Although the Creative Activity of SLAA-SS-MII-Creators of the Ultraconsciousness permeates all versions of manifestation of EIYG-SS-MII Creativity Spheres (characteristic of the twelve dimensional diapasons within the Tertiary Energy-Plasma that are structured by all possible OLLAKT-DRUOTMM-systems and FLUU-LUU-complexes), Form-Creators of Self-Consciousnesses Forms that represent only very developed people with corresponding communication abilities (NNAASSMM) and real possibilities to use them (VLOOOMOOT) can decode and adequately perceive eglleroliftive Impulses generated by Them.

1.0346 The Creative Activity of LYUULLFF-Creators of the Ultraconsciousness is inseparably connected (through VEC) with deeper Levels of the AIY-YYA-related birvulyarity type (the LLUU-VVU-oriented Direction is a part of it) — the Protoconscious or all the diversity of development scenarios of all LLUU-VVU-Forms of GOOLGAMAA-A simultaneously manifested in all space-time structures of the 13-dimensional diapason. These Levels concentrate the whole Information accumulated during the simultaneous evolutional-involutional development in all Continuums not only by all diverse Self-Consciousnesses Forms of the Collective Cosmic Intelligence of LLUU-VVU but also by Form-Creators of other Collective Cosmic Intelligence types that are covarllert in this diapason with the Synthesis Scheme of the TOO-UU-Entity of AIY-YYA. This Knowledge provides our affinity and unity with all other Forms of Collective Cosmic Intelligences of Our DDIIUYYI-Entity. It contains the Experience of simultaneous Existence of GOOLGAMAA-A in all its diverse Proto-Forms manifested in specific space-time structures not only on GREIYSLIISS but also on many other Planetary Entities of this Star system.

1.0347 Multidimensional depths of the Protoconscious have an even more universal basis — Information of the Hyperconscious which is typical of lower SSLOO-SS-SNAA-Creators of the SSS-Entity’s Self-Consciousness (RAAKLIMA — Star-level «integrating» Forms of AIY-YYA — LUULLSSMII-FFAY and LUULLSSMII-SSLAA-Creators) whose Focus Dynamics form lower manifestation Levels of the Secondary Energy-Plasma (the 13-16-dimensional diapason). The Hyperconscious includes the whole generalized Experience of infinite Existence of all GOOLGAMAA-A in all time structures of the Tertiary Energy-Plasma, as well as the integrated Experience of SSMIIYSMAA-A synthesized in lower structures of the Secondary Energy-Plasma.

1.0348 The Star Consciousness of AIY-YYA concludes this theoretical «development Path» of the slloogrent Form-Creators’ Focus Dynamics of Self-Consciousnesses Forms of the AIY-YYA-related birvulyarity type; it comprises the absolute Creative Experience of all Collective Cosmic Intelligences that structure the Tertiary and the Secondary States of Energy-Plasma and actively participate in the Synthesis of entire slloogrentness of focal Configurations of this birvulyarity type. Medium and higher SSLOO-SS-SNAA-Creators of the 17-24-dimensional diapason are the carriers of the Star-level Consciousness of AIY-YYA. They actually represent in the Focus Dynamics of higher SLAA-SS-MII-Creators of GOOLGAMAA-A «the Universal Matrix of Creative Realization» of Their «Alma Mater» — the Collective Cosmic Intelligence of SSMIIYSMAA-A that has initiated the manifestation of higher SLAA-SS-MII-Creators on all possible qualitative Levels of the Secondary and of the Tertiary Energy-Plasma by multipolarization of its countless typical Interests.

§ Personal Self Consciousness and humanity Collective Cosmic Intelligence. Focus Dynamics are defined by information

This is adopted English translations of Iissiidiology. Fundamentals. Volume 1

Personal Self Consciousness and “iceberg” of humanity Collective Cosmic Intelligence.  Universal Focus of Self-Consciousness gives Consciousness to Energy-Plasma. By differentiating in the 2.5-4.0 dimensional range, we become subjective and separated. However, our Focus Dynamics are defined by the quality of information in the Configuration.

1.0289 After quite primitive and instinctive reactions of the Form-Creators of the collective unconsciousness, including somatics (functioning of all systems in the biological organism) and psychosomatics, the next, higher-quality category of creative manifestation of the human Focus Dynamics is the «personalized» Self-Consciousness. I mean by the «personalized» Self-Consciousness only that part of our Focus Dynamics which is structured by narrowly-specific SFUURMM-Forms of our «current» (within the 2.5-4-dimensional diapason) Conceptions about «ourselves,» about possible relations with our outer reality, about a probable character of our interconnections both with other people and with all representatives of other Forms of Collective Cosmic Intelligences. I notionally subdivide this subjective part of the human Self-Consciousness into «lower» (elementary Focus Dynamics of the Self-Consciousness Form-Creators of the LLUU-VVU-Direction) and «higher» constituents that differ from each other in frequency ranges of manifestation typical of the SFUURMM-Forms that structure them: the former are manifested in resopasons from 2.5 dimension to 3.5 dimension, and the latter — from 3.5 to 4.0 dimension.

§ The collective subconscious.Focus Dynamics of "personal" Self-Consciousness is limited to only one "scenario"

This is adopted English translations of Iissiidiology. Fundamentals. Volume 1

The collective subconscious. The reactions of biological NUU-VVU is weakly subordinated to the collective subconscious due to the strong binding to “personality” and to its environment. Focus Dynamics of "personal" Self-Consciousness is limited to only one "scenario". It is limited by the dual concepts as well.

1.0306 I must note that the Form-Creators’ Focus Dynamics of the «personalized» Self-Consciousness can reflect only quite a narrow Time period of TEC-«unpackings» within one of resonational zones that structure a spectrum of the universal focus multipolarization. At the same time, the FDR-Dynamics of corresponding resonating SFUURMM-Forms are also within a very limited number of UU-VVU-copies and reflect Information only of one version among all possible countless development scenarios. Therefore, the FCA-FDR-Dynamics of the «personalized» Self-Consciousness are strictly limited by realizational possibilities of just one scenario, while all other Conceptions typical of other Levels of the Focus multipolarization seem to be absent for the Form-Creators of the «personalized» Self-Consciousness, and are in no way perceived by the Perception system of the «personality» (such a wide perception of parallel events that happen in other development scenarios can be initiated in the Perception system only by the Creative Activity of the Form-Creators of the collective Subconsciousness).

1.0307 The Focus Dynamics of the biological NUU-VVU-Forms currently focused by Us with their extremely limited and imperfect Perception systems are strongly attached to biological processes and to the specifics of influence from the outer World on the biologic form of our «personalities»; every instant the Focus Dynamics have to undergo identification/disidentification with the SFUURMM-Form typical only of a certain UU-VVU-copy, that is, there is «a personalized» perception of oneself in a very fragmentary and extremely subjective way, and at every moment the process of self-perception is concentrated within a narrowly-specific psycho-mental experience. Due to characteristic limitations, the Focus Dynamics of bio-Creators of our brain and of biological organism in whole can manipulate just a very small portion of VVU-Information «unpacked» from TEC (energoinformational interconnections between the bio-Creators and their typical egoistic SFUURMM-Forms about their own safety, comfort, and survival), with which they identify themselves every single moment.

1.0308 This is because the Form-Creators’ focal Configurations that provide manifestation of SFUURMM-Forms from «personalized» Levels of Self-Consciousness in the Focus Dynamics are undersynthesized, therefore they can manipulate VVU-Information «unpacked» during choices only using the contrast of dual Conceptions — good or bad, yes or no, satisfactory or unsatisfactory, agree or disagree. Such a dual approach of «a personality» to «itself» and to the subjectively perceived outer reality is conditioned by extremely limited energoinformational interconnections that form its Focus Dynamics and by inability of the Form-Creators to manipulate greater volumes of different-qualitative SFUURMM-Forms; which makes it impossible for them to provide the Perception system with a more detailed and multiaspect analysis. Every single moment, the brain Form-Creators of this «personalized» Interpretation can «project» only the crudest and most generalized fragments from among all very complex energoinformational interconnections «unpacked» in multipolarization, losing many details and «projecting» onto «the bioscreen» of the Perception system only dualistic, most contrast, and easily accessible sensations, leaving out more complex SFUURMM-Forms of the Essence that structures these slloogrent interconnections.

§ Characteristics of higher "personal" Self-Consciousness. Resistance to dissonational manifestations in the “outer world”

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Characteristics of higher "personal" Self-Consciousness. Activation the connections with Flaks levels. Resistance to dissonational manifestations in the outer world and fortitude. Molecular process in the brain. Myelination of axons.

1.0313 The greater the activity of the higher «personalized» Self-Consciousness’ Form-Creators in the Focus Dynamics of «a personality,» the more stable and deeper its ability to react in a balanced way to all possible dissonational manifestations of any Self-Consciousnesses Forms of the outer reality, and to tolerate any hardships, misfortunes, losses, disappointments, and all possible depressions that accompany necessary svilgs-spherational transformations in the information space of this Self-Consciousness Form (between the Form’s Form-Creators and Info-Creators of its individual ODS). This high-quality state is sometimes also called «fortitude.» It should be noted that its expression directly depends on the presence (in «a personality’s» Focus Dynamics) of higher-quality and stable energoinformational interconnections between the bio-Creators of the prefrontal cortex (they are responsible for decision-making, and correct «the personality’s» behavior in society like an orchestral conductor) and the bio-Creators of amygdala (they regulate your lower- and medium-frequency emotional states).

1.0314 If we consider molecular processes that provide realization of various psycho-mental states, it is possible to say that higher-quality interconnections between the bio-Creators become possible because the bio-Creators of neurons that provide transition of high-frequency Energy-Information can protect nerve fibers by an electrically-insulating capsule (that is, perform the so-called «myelinization of axons» that decreases diffusion of impulses and increases diameters of the axons; at the same time, the glutamate signalizer is just an instrument but not the main cause of myelinization); owing to this, a much greater number of all possible different-qualitative combinations can be formed between neurons. It is much easier for such «personalities» to use high-frequency motivations to control their negative psychological reactions initiated in their Focus Dynamics by the low-frequency bio-Creators of amygdala.

§ What is the way to refocus in better forms? The basis for the qualitative manifestation of NUU-VVU-Forms are tachyons.

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What is the way to refocus in better forms? The basis for the qualitative manifestation of NUU-VVU-Forms are tachyons. Overcoming the light barrier between different dimensions levels using the example of a supersonic aircraft operation description.

1.0349 Now, when we have more or less considered possible perspectives of self-perfection for our Focus Dynamics in the LLUU-VVU-oriented Direction of Synthesis, let’s consider in detail and try to understand the difficulties and obstacles that may expect you on this difficult Path of sequential and gradual evolution from «not-yet-people» into People, and then into even more perfect Self-Consciousnesses Forms of this birvulyarity type. For your better understanding of this process, remember that all Self-Consciousnesses Forms are structured by the joint Focus Dynamics of many Fields-Consciousnesses (Form- and Info-Creators), each of which can reflect only a corresponding degree of quality typical of its Creative Activity.

1.0350 Earlier, we have considered some aspects of such characteristic quantum effect as «Death» typical only of Perception Levels of the «personalized» Self-Consciousness’ Form-Creators (it is completely absent within the Focus Dynamics of «plasmic» analogs of NUU-VVU-Form-Types), and now let me remind you that the structure of a human Self-Consciousness Form which we visually perceive is in fact not «continuous» and «indivisible,» as it seems to us, but represents the integral of focus interaction on average of 328 (for this type of subjective Reality) focal Configurations of NUU-VVU-Stereo-Types per second; and the Focus Dynamics of each of them — in the simultaneous process of their common multipolarization in the slloogrent Focus Dynamics that unite all «personalized» Interpretations, — are subject to their own qualitative tendencies. Theory of relativity admits the presence, in Space-Time, of such Self-Consciousnesses Forms whose Focus Dynamics simultaneously change their qualities in an undetermined direction of Time (that is, in various directions of focus multipolarization structured by different temporal parameters).

1.0351 Energoinformational interconnections between all the diversity of different-qualitative NUU-VVU-Stereo-Types that form the effect of simultaneous manifestation of our Self-Consciousnesses Forms in Space-Time are based on Form-Creators of tachyons whose Focus Dynamics shift quicker in these STC groups than the Focus Dynamics of Form-Creators of photons. That is, the speed of movement of tachyons is higher than the speed of light and in different coordinate systems they move either from the subjective «past» into the subjective «future,» or from the subjective «future» into the subjective «past.» Such qualitative refocusings into different-qualitative parts of the common multipolarization spectrum of the simultaneous slloogrent Focus Dynamics of a Stereo-Form (that is, a transition from the usual — to this coordinate system! — state of substance into the state manifested in a different time interval (Time Flow) can be performed only by leaps and bounds, through kleksing of the current Configuration of Self-Consciousness with Information characteristic of the Form-Creators’ Focus Dynamics of tachyons from a corresponding Time Flow.

1.0352 Why? In order to do it, the Focus Dynamics will have to overcome, in Space-Time, a certain light barrier structured by energoinformational interconnections that differ in quality from the previous state! This is approximately like overcoming the sonic barrier in aviation: when an aircraft achieves a supersonic speed, it forms a sharp increase of air pressure (a shock wave) in the surrounding space that creates the effect of a loud bang in our Perception system. It is possible to overcome a qualitative «barrier» on the level of interconnections between a small number of tachyons that separates some development scenarios from other ones (that is, some choices with corresponding consequences from other ones) in a certain duvuyllerrt group of «human» STC (we implement these resonational tachyon-level mutual interchanges in our dreams every night, as well during our countless «dreams» unconsciously perceived by the Form-Creators at any moment when we are awake!); but such a complex-structure macroobject as our biological organism with all its diverse states of Focus Dynamics typical of its bio-Creators cannot in any way overcome this qualitative difference in a photon-level environment.

§ Space-Time creation.Interconnection of Energy and Information, irrkogliktivny and eglleroliftivny impulses

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The configuration of fragments creates features and properties of Space-time. A Form of Self-Consciousness has individual features of manifestation. Focuses that form Self-Consciusness. Interconnection of Energy and Information, irrkogliktivny and eglleroliftivny impulses.

1.0356 Since every information fragment (due to the presence of the irrkoglictive Impulse-Potential in its fragmented Configuration) is characterized by transgression («self-projection» with the formation of an infinite set of its own «information doubles» in different resonational points), all its «projections» simultaneously form, in Space-Time, narrowly-specific stable combinations with countless heterogeneous «projections» transgressed by other information fragments, thus forming the general slloogrent Configuration of Self-Consciousness structured by an infinite set of different-qualitative Forms — narrowly-specific combinations of different-qualitative Focuses that are manifested simultaneously in different dimensions in various conditions of Space-Time.

1.0357 Why does each of these Forms reflect its own unique dimension and individual manifestation parameters in the Focus Dynamics? Because the focal Configuration of each Self-Consciousness Form is structured by its characteristic «volume» (concentration) of individually-combined heterogeneous information fragments. In each combination of a «projection» of one fragment with «projections» of many other — covarllert to it — fragments, there is a natural manifestation of a certain resonational (it is of a quantum type for our manifestation diapason!) effect (there is a sort of «fragmentary synchromodulation» — addition and resonational amplification of fragmentary Information that is very similar in Meaning but is heterogeneous in its Nature); as a result, a certain Energy-Potential is released that forever (in One Instant of Eternity) records this information combination as a particular and individual resonational state or resonational point that represents in Space-Time the best conditions for manifestation (focus fixation) of energoinformational interconnections typical of this fragmentary Configuration.

1.0358 Thus, Energy-Plasma was instantaneously formed by an infinite set of heterogeneous «projections» of Information that simultaneously combine among themselves; and due to the infinite diversity of instantaneously-formed (in It) different-qualitative and narrowly-specific configurational combinations that are simultaneously fixed through all resonational «points of manifestation» (Focuses), Energy-Plasma immediately became structured to form that which we subjectively define as Space-Time or the Macrocosmos with all Its different-qualitative dimensional Levels and their typical energoinformational (focus) characteristics.

1.0359 So, we have found out that each resonational interrelation between heterogeneously-fragmented Information and Energy that initiates its manifestation in the Macrocosmos directly participates in the general-subjective formation of the so-called «quantum effect of manifestation» (which we interpret as Space and Time) in the information space of Self-Consciousness (in conditions of the 3-4-dimensional diapason). Owing to narrowly-specific qualitative parameters typical only of this fragmented Information (SFUURMM-Forms), it can reflect in Energy-Plasma just a very individual fragmented focus-type Configuration characteristic only of the manifestation of a certain FOCUS.

1.0360 On the one hand, due to its inherent eglleroliftive tendencies (that is, the tendency to constantly augment energoinformational interconnections that structure it), each such Focus represents — exclusively in its typical manifestation conditions! — a certain dissonational state between different (in quality) Configurations of Form-Creators. On the other hand (in the same manifestation conditions!), it also reflects a stably fixed (due to the internal resonation formed as a result of the manifestation) state of «initial» irrkoglictive Interest between some particular, specifically-combined (through their «projections») reconverstive Configurations of a certain «number» («volume») of heterogeneous information fragments.

1.0361 That is, a focal Configuration that structures the Focus Dynamics of each Self-Consciousness Form represents, by its information content, a certain set of different-qualitative Focuses, which is provided by interconnections of strictly-definite Information with a corresponding Energy-Potential expressed in its unique Space-Time conditions through its unique characteristic features (manifestation parameters). However, different Perception systems interpret these features (their intensity and other characteristics) in different ways. Therefore, each such configurational set of resonationally-combined Focuses in the structure of Energy-Plasma has a corresponding, absolutely identical (liyllusceeve to it) Configuration of fragmentarily-combined Information.

1.0362 This specific interrelation between Information and generated-by-It Energy through the Focus Dynamics (svilgs-spherational interconnections) of Form-Creators is reflected in the subjective inertia of Perception systems of all Self-Consciousnesses Forms that structure Space-Time. Figuratively speaking, the Universal Information, with Its characteristic irrkoglictive tendency to activate internal interactions, instantaneously «generated» all the infinite diversity of Form-Creators for an inertial (that is, subjectively implemented in Time and in Space) realization of Its own, «initially» inherent, Creative Activity, «having projected» the universal-tendential realization Principle into their Configurations — the eglleroliftive Impulse that, as such, is the Main Reason of formation of both the Space-Time effect and all possible types of energoinformational interconnections, or that inertial process which we subjectively define as the Form-Creators’ Focus Dynamics. And the Form-Creators’ typical tendency to the Focus Dynamics (refocusings or a constant resonational «reprojection» from Focuses of some fragmented Configurations into Focuses of qualitatively-different fragmented Configurations ) is, in turn, the Reason of appearance and simultaneous inertial manifestation, in Space-Time, of slloogrent Configurations of absolutely all Self-Consciousnesses Forms and types of different-qualitative Collective Cosmic Intelligences formed by them.

§ Self-Consciousness is the realizational Principle of SSS- Entity

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Self-Consciousness is the realizational Principle of SSS- Entity. This Principle provides with information the capabilities of Cosmic Beings. Self-Consciousness is structured by Levels. Focus Dynamics is the basic tool for cognition of Levels of Self-Consciousness. Our conceptions about the speed of synthesis are subjective and wrong. Our assessments are associated with biochemistry of our bodies.


1.0260 Let me repeat one more time for a better understanding: Self-Consciousness is not the Form we perceive whose focal Configuration provides manifestation of a certain combination of information fragments (SFUURMM-Forms) in a resonational point of Space-Time, but rather a universal realization Principle of an SSS-Entity[1] that informationally provides a specific ability of any modeled-by-It Collective Cosmic Entity of a simultaneous subjective perception as a Form of the SSS-Entity’s infinite Existence — as «itself» (through lower Forms of «its» creative expression) or as «Itself» (through higher Forms of Its possible manifestations in the Macrocosmos). The focal Configurations of one of these Forms of creative self-perception that are potentially possible for each of You (as Form-Creators of USCF!), where a certain spectrum of Your creative Interests that structure the simultaneous multipolarization of Your USCF can become maximally stabilized, determine the Self-Consciousness Level on which You will be able to be subjectively manifested (identify yourself) through a corresponding Self-Consciousness Form — both on the most primitive and on the Highest Level of the Cosmic Intelligence’s Focus Dynamics.
[1] See details about realization of the ССС-Entity in Chapter IV.

1.0261 If there can be any other subjective «structural elements» of Self-Consciousness in addition to information combinations, these would be different-qualitative Levels that serve as the main basis for the formation of subjective dimensional resopasons and diapasons of Space-Time in the Form-Creators’ Focus Dynamics, that is, of that which we commonly call «the outer reality.» Any Level of Self-Consciousness is first of all characterized by the degree in which Form-Creators subjectively perceive «Themselves» as an integral part of the Whole («of All-That-Exists»): SFUURMM-Forms of lower-quality (in our diapason — lower-frequency) manifestation Levels allow Form-Creators to know Themselves through a deep and discrete psycho-mental experience of individual Self-Consciousnesses Forms, while SFUURMM-Forms of more synthesized (higher-frequency) Levels allow Them to perceive «Themselves» and the outer reality from much more integral and universal positions, providing the Form-Creators with more objective means and possibilities for a deep analysis of simultaneous mutual influence of a great number of cause-and-effect interconnections between any participants of events, relations, and phenomena.

1.0262 Therefore, the main instrument whose development and universalization allows us to at least somehow particularly feel and figuratively imagine that there are different-qualitative Levels of Self-Consciousness in the Macrocosmos is the Focus Dynamics subdivided in its slloogrentness into an infinite set of kinds characterized by narrowly-specific, most closely combined interconnections between rezomiral Focuses and resonant (to them) information Configurations that form the Levels of Creative Activity of a Self-Consciousness. When we consider the Focus Dynamics as a natural result of the inertial process of inter-Qualitative Synthesis, we find out that the focus «reprojection» of Form-Creators from some focal Configurations into other ones initiated by the eglleroliftive Impulse provides a certain speed of fixation (formation) of energoinformational interconnections between different-qualitative Focuses (Form-Creators) within the structure of every Self-Consciousness Form, that is, the speed of a synthetic process. Here, «the Synthesis speed» means the subjective difference between relative quantities of heterogeneous fragments of Information, owing to which there is a resonational reflection of the general focal Configuration of one Self-Consciousness Form in each «point» of Space-Time for one rotational shift of the information space of Self-Consciousness.

1.0263 You must remember that any our «present» subjective Conceptions of inertia in synthetic processes, or those of speed in the inter-Qualitative Synthesis, are not objective to any extent but represent just a certain conditionality which we need for a sequential description of different-qualitative intermediate states in Energy-Plasma in whose Form-Systems we perceive ourselves «in a personalized way» at the current stage of our development. I must note that our hypothetical subjective parameters of speed in synthetic processes depend very much on individual possibilities (in Information processing) inherent in the focal Configurations of the Form-Creators that provide the manifestation mechanism of a particular Self-Consciousness Form.

1.0264 The speed of biochemical reactions in the organism serves as such a limitation to the Form-Creators of biological analogs of NUU-VVU-Form-Types, because all processes of thinking, feeling, and any psycho-mental processing of Information, as well as the Perception system activity (sense organs and thinking), are based on a sequence of biochemical interactions. The Form-Creators of our brain can use only 4-6% of its potential now. In contrast, in more favorable versions of our «future,» where we are still focused in biological analogs of NUU-VVU-Form-Types, we will be able to increase this parameter due to a purposeful stimulation of individual areas of the brain, as well as because SFUURMM-Forms of low-frequency Levels (lower Levels of the first two IISSIIDI-Centers) become considerably less active in the Form-Creators’ Focus Dynamics of our Self-Consciousnesses Forms.


§ Bio-Creators of the body's cells, viruses, bacteria

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Human SVUULL-VVU-conglomerates realize themselves through other Protoforms as well. Bio-Creators of the body's cells, viruses, bacteria. On our planet, the main biological role belongs to the  microorganisms.


1.0272 The most «external» part (the lowest synthesis degree of two Dominants) of the slloogrent Focus Dynamics of any Self-Consciousness Form of the Collective Cosmic Intelligence in the LLUU-VVU-Direction (It includes all kinds of LLUU-VVU-Forms simultaneously manifested in STC of the Tertiary Energy-Plasma by Focus Dynamics of Its typical Self-Consciousnesses Forms, also including NUU-VVU-Form-Types) is formed by low-frequency SFUURMM-Forms of the so-called protoformal or instinctive Consciousness, whose realization activity I notionally define as the collective unconsciousness. In the «personalized» Focus Dynamics manifested in the 2.5-3.25-dimensional diapason, these SFUURMM-Forms constitute 70-90% in common TEC-«unpackings»* made by human Self-Consciousnesses Forms, while in higher-quality conditions of the 3.25-3.75-dimensional resopasons this content decreases down to 10-20% and practically completely disappears (to be more exact, it is sequentially transformed into higher-quality protoformal states) on four-dimensional manifestation Levels.

*The process of thinking has one regularity: first we consciously think of something, every moment «unpacking» («decoding») certain Information from the information space of our Self-Consciousness (the temporal ethereal constituent), which we immediately «unfold» in associative way (subjectively «project») in the current «quantum shift» (Space-Time). The «unpacked» and «unfolded» Information comes into the brain in a subjectively «folded» (distortedly «compressed») form, and — through neuronal connections and the endocrine system — initiates a specific psycho-mental reaction in our Perception system: subjective experience (SFUURMM-Form).

1.0273 Being realized through TEC-«unpackings» within the Focus Dynamics of less-developed people obsessed with aggression, negativism, and egocentrism, low-quality (with a low degree of inter-Qualitative Synthesis) «projections» of SFUURMM-Forms of this part of slloogrent Information represent the whole set of most primitive protoformal Conceptions of the outer reality that are used in the realization creativity of Form-Creators of the Collective Cosmic Intelligences whose Synthesis Scheme diffuzgently penetrate focal Configurations of the LLUU-VVU-oriented birvulyarity type in the lowest resopasons of its manifestation. These low-frequency «projections» (SVUULL-VVU-conglomerates) may completely contradict the moral and ethical norms accepted in human society, as well as aspirations, preferences, habits, and desires typical of more developed people, because they reflect in our Focus Dynamics all the instincts and specific skills that are individually characteristic of representatives of the animal world. Depending on the degree of their covarllertness relative to the quality of Form-Creators within focal Configurations of each «personalized» Interpretation, some of these tendencies acquire svilgs-spherational possibilities for realization through their Focus Dynamics, while others do not get the possibilities.

1.0274 I must note that in the groups of «human» Continuums, «projections» of these insufficiently synthesized SFUURMM-Forms can be reflected only through the Form-Creators’ Focus Dynamics of the 2.5-3.25-dimensional diapason of manifestation, because they are based on doolls-quantum long-wave information combinations. Their reconverstive Configurations simultaneously represent information interrelation characteristic of the focus Rezomirals of innumerable duvuyllerrt groups in various protoformal STC formed in this dimensional diapason. This means that low-frequency SFUURMM-Forms united into SVUULL-VVU-conglomerates and resonationally involved by less-developed «personalities» into their Focus Dynamics through TEC-«unpackings» also simultaneously structure Configurations not only of «human» but also of countless diverse OLLAKT-DRUOTMM-systems whose Creativity Spheres and «realization niches» are initiated to a Creative Activity by Focus Dynamics of Form-Creators associated with all possible Proto-Forms.

1.0275 For example, depending on their kind, circumstances, and manifestation intensity, SFUURMM-Forms of fear, phobia, horror can «be unpacked» by the Form-Creators of Self-Consciousnesses of insufficiently synthesized NUU-VVU-Forms (that is, less-developed people) from Creativity Spheres of various animals. In the first place, they will attract SFUURMM-Forms of domestic animals with which people most often directly communicate (or those eaten by people): dogs, cats, hamsters, fish, cows, horses, pigs, sheep, goats, chickens, ducks, geese, turkeys, elephants, monkeys, camels, kangaroos, and so on. Nonetheless, by means of the photoreductive Ether, Form-Creators of the Focus Dynamics of various people can also quite actively interact with covarllert (relative to their psychological states) SFUURMM-Forms of many other Creativity Spheres formed by the psycho-mental activity of wild animals: hares, mice, sousliks, ants, snakes, fish, sea animals, wolves, bears, tigers, lynxes, and so on. The same applies to the energoinformational exchange which we perform on the unconscious level with plants whose Form-Creators of Self-Consciousnesses generate similar types of destructive reactions in Space-Time at the moments of danger.

1.0276 Every biological organism, regardless of the Proto-Form that initiates its manifestation, represents an integrated community of bio-Creators of its main structural elements — differentiated cells whose coherent functioning is provided by the complex system of intercellular communication that involves generation of signals by bio-Creators of some cells, perception of these signals by bio-Creators of other cells, as well as their adequate interpretation and reaction to them through intracellular communication paths. Owing to the coordinating activity of the brain Form-Creators, a multicellular organism that represents a complex community of the bio-Creators of its cells with some independence can perform its life activity as one whole.

1.0277 We can say that it is advantageous and comfortable for the bio-Creators of all cells to live together, where bio-Creators and Form-Creators of the whole organism work jointly to maintain functions of each bio-Creator. I mention this just to remind you that it is bio-Creators of our biological NUU-VVU-Forms that are the main suppliers of the low-frequency SFUURMM-Forms in our Focus Dynamics which we define as the collective unconsciousness. A great, if not decisive, role in the formation of the Focus Dynamics of each «personality» and its orientation in a certain protoformal Direction is played by bio-Creators of the microorganisms which are constantly and integrally included in the cellular structure of our NUU-VVU-Forms. This is why I would like to particularly focus your attention on this.

1.0278 A few of you have thought that the main role in the biological structure of our Planetary Entity is played not by us, people, but by microorganisms that can reproduce even at the depth of 10 kilometers. Some of them can perform fission once in 1500 years and live up to 75,000 years. Others can exist under the pressure that is thousands of times higher than the atmospheric pressure, and at temperatures above 300°S, in conditions of high radiation. The biomass of all living creatures on land and in water equals just a fourth part of the biomass of microbes that live in the atmosphere and in the earth strata. Therefore, microbes and bacteria constitute about 80% of the whole biomass on Earth, which is the most favorable not for us but for microorganisms that abundantly fill physical bodies of all animals, plants, and even minerals. A teaspoon of sea water contains approximately five million bacteria and over fifty million various viruses. The bio-Creators of microorganisms control not only our biological bodies but also all the dynamics in atmosphere, they structure practically all molecular Forms of manifestation. They act as mediators between genomes of different biological Proto-Forms and transmit Information typical of DNA of some kinds of animals and plants into DNA of other kinds.

[1] The process of thinking has one regularity: first we consciously think of something, every moment “unpacking” (“decoding”) certain Information from the information space of our Self-Consciousness (the temporal ethereal constituent), which we immediately “unfold” in associative way (subjectively “project”) in the current “quantum shift” (Space-Time). The “unpacked” and “unfolded” Information comes into the brain in a subjectively “folded” (distortedly “compressed”) form, and – through neuronal connections and the endocrine system – initiates a specific psychomental reaction in our Perception system: subjective experience (СФУУРММ {SFUURMM}-Form).


§ Under the influence of the Collective Subconscious FLAKS-Forms become active. The need for the Service appears

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Under the influence of the Collective Subconscious SVUULL-VVU conglomerates gradually fades and FLAKS-Forms become active. The need for the Service appears, but it will remain personal, until the end of two human dominant Synthesis. The possibility of perception ourselves in a variety of scenarios increases.

1.0324 The Form-Creators of the lower collective Subconsciousness not only gradually fill the Focus of Close Attention of «a personality» with higher-quality intellectual and altruistic SFUURMM-Forms but also considerably broaden the possibilities of its high-frequency realizational potential through intuitive involvement of «the personality» in a collective co-creativity with focal Configurations of all other NUU-VVU-Forms of this kind of the humankind’s Collective Consciousness. Therefore, the role of the low-quality bio-Creators in the Focus Dynamics of «the personality» gradually becomes useless (due to the intuitive attraction of their gained Experience), and the Form-Creators of the higher «personalized» Self-Consciousness «reproject» into focus NUU-VVU-Configurations that structure higher-quality «human» STC, where any realizations of low-frequency SVUULL-VVU-conglomerates of the majority of people are considerably less frequent than their newly-appeared high-intellect possibilities and high-feeling tendencies.

1.0325 Their Focus Dynamics are not only based on «unpacking» of Information from the temporal ethereal constituent but also actively involve «projections» of Focuses of Integral Motivational Impulses (FIMI) that belong to «plasmic» analogs of NUU-VVU-Form-Types (STOOLLMII-SVUU- and UOLDMII-SLII-FLAKS-Forms) and those of Universal Multipolarization Impulses (UMPI) of their FLUU-VVU-doubles that structure lower and medium Levels of LLUU-VVU-oriented FLUU-LUU-complexes. This considerably activates covarllert Information from the variable ethereal component (VEC) in the Focus Dynamics of TEC-«unpackings,» allowing «bioplasmic» people to considerably increase the qualitative effectiveness of their refocusings.

1.0326 As soon as the role of Form-Creators of the lower collective Subconsciousness stably increases in the Focus Dynamics of the higher «personalized» Self-Consciousness, a human being begins to feel an urgent need of Service not only for the sake of other people but also to all other Self-Consciousnesses Forms of the outer reality perceived by the person not using previous typical discreteness and separation but an inseparable integrity with «himself/herself» and with the perspective to achieve the Higher Goals set by the person. It should be noted that until the Focus Dynamics of a human being is at least slightly structured by SFUURMM-Forms of the «personalized» Self-Consciousness (lower and higher Levels), his/her realization Interest will not be able to go beyond the Conceptions of «a personal» Service to this kind of humankind but not to the entire Collective Cosmic Intelligence of LLUU-VVU.

1.0327 Why? Because the process of two-dominant inter-Qualitative Synthesis completely ends only in the highest-quality «bioplasmic» NUU-VVU-Configurations, and before people reach that state their Focus Dynamics (due to the simultaneous presence, between Form-Creators, of a huge number of unbalanced imperceptible interconnections typical of Aspects of dominant and all other — recessive — Pure Qualities) cannot be concentrated just in the LLUU-VVU-oriented Synthesis Scheme and have to be — simultaneously and in multipolarization — «projected» into all protoformal development Directions characteristic of human Self-Consciousnesses Forms. Until the inter-Qualitative Synthesis of the two LLUU-VVU-oriented Dominants is fully completed, it will be typical of people (unconsciously and even consciously) to psycho-mentally identify themselves more or less with the Focus Dynamics of representatives of all possible diffuzgent Proto-Forms (which means with their types of Collective Intelligences) that structure the slloogrent Focus Dynamics of the LLUU-VVU-Type Collective Cosmic Intelligence.

1.0328 Any subjective perception of the really infinite diversity of NUU-VVU-Form-Types that form all possible types of humankind’s Collective Consciousnesses in different-level subjective Realities is simply impossible for extremely limited TEC-«unpackings» of the Form-Creators of biological analogs. A human being acquires more or less considerable abilities of such enhanced Perception only if his/her refocusings become stable in «bioplasmic» focal Configurations, when creative possibilities of the Form-Creators from the lower collective Subconsciousness begin to stably dominate over egoistic tendencies typical of SFUURMM-Forms of the higher «personalized» Self-Consciousness. This initiates, in the Focus Dynamics of NUU-VVU-Forms, a greater disposition of «a personality» to a selective multiple-choice subjective perception of «itself» among the whole spectrum of its «personalized» Interpretations.

1.0329 What does this mean? The more the Focus Dynamics are closer to «plasmic» analogs of NUU-VVU-Form-Types, the more possibilities are provided for Form-Creators of Self-Consciousnesses by this process of qualitative «self-identification.» For example, FLAKS-Creators of «plasmic» NUU-VVU-Configurations acquire the ability to simultaneously perceive and associate «themselves» not with individual «personalities» but in a quite wide spectrum of self-manifestation in many various development scenarios and can entirely concentrate on the Creative Activity of a huge number of their own different-qualitative Forms of self-expression. In fact, the information space which can be resonationally manipulated by the Form-Creators of the lower collective Subconsciousness is structured by already synthesized results of the whole empirical Experience simultaneously gained by the Form-Creators on all Levels of «personalized» Self-Consciousnesses in all kinds of humankind’s Collective Consciousnesses whose biological NUU-VVU-Forms are manifested in various diapasons that structure «human» STC, up to the 4th dimension.

§ Bioplasmic brain’s features. Comparison of Focus Dynamics with a magnet moving above the plane

This is adopted English translations of Iissiidiology. Fundamentals. Volume 1

Bioplasmic brain’s features. Comparison of Focus Dynamics with a magnet moving above the plane. The ideas about Forms change on FLAKS levels. Higher Collective Subconscious.

1.0336 The abilities of the brain Form-Creators of «bioplasmic» analogs of NUU-VVU-Form-Types (NUULL-VVU-Forms) can be figuratively compared with possibilities of modern multicore processors that can perform parallel calculations that include tens and hundreds of streams; just for one processor cycle (just like the rotation Shift in the Focus Dynamics) they can, for example, calculate a whole graphical frame (animation scene). Each moment, the realization potential of the Form-Creators of such «a bioplasmic brain» can manipulate not the extremely limited quantity of SFUURMM-Forms but rather qualitatively-interrelated UU-VVU-conglomerates of their duvuyllerrt sequences, fully perceiving themselves as participants of many development scenarios where possible choice versions are being made simultaneously at the same instant.

1.0337 Owing to highly-developed Intuition, the Form-Creators of NUULL-VVU-Forms’ Self-Consciousnesses form much more universal Focus Dynamics (as compared with the SSVUU-SSMM-structures*, typical of biological analogs); this allows them every single moment to «project» the results only of most favorable choice versions onto the «bioplasmic screen» of the higher «personalized» Self-Consciousness (that is, into their Perception system). Such a state of the Form-Creators’ Focus Dynamics in Self-Consciousness can be compared with known «conscious» states of electrons in superposition that have been proven by physicists.

1.0338 As another comparison of biological and «bioplasmic» types of the Focus Dynamics, you can imagine a certain virtual «focus magnet» that moves over a plane formed by countless focal Configurations of different-qualitative Stereo-Types. In case of the Focus Dynamics performed by Form-Creators of a biological NUU-VVU-Form, every instant, such «a focus magnet» ends its direct interaction with one Stereo-Type and immediately begins to interact with another one, qualitatively identifying itself for an instant with each corresponding NUU-VVU-Configuration. During one second, such sequential «sliding» creates in the «personalized» Self-Consciousness an effect of self-identification of the Form-Creators with a certain Self-Consciousness Form whose qualitative content constantly changes, that is, with a particular human «personality.»

1.0339 When the Form-Creators perform the Focus Dynamics by means of a «bioplasmic» Self-Consciousness Form, «the focus magnet» «hovers» in some distance from the plane and forms a peculiar «attraction cone» that interacts with a qualitatively-corresponding group of covarllert Stereo-Types, and the most covarllert (similar-in-qualities) Stereo-Types form «a central» attraction group, while all other ones that are more or less covarllert to this group provide the state of multipolarized slloogrentness for the Focus Dynamics, which allows the Form-Creators to have a better orientation in possible circumstances of Space-Time, and to consciously choose the nearest perspective and the necessary Direction of their subsequent refocusings.

1.0340 While the Form-Creators of «bioplasmic» analogs of NUU-VVU-Form-Types are still — due to the Focus Dynamics of two-spiral genic Form-Creators of the biological constituent! –used to attach their manifestation Form-image to usual «human» Conceptions of their outward appearance, in contrast, within the Focus Dynamics of «plasmic» FLAKS-Creators in the 4-5-dimensional LLUU-VVU-oriented Continuums (STOOLLMII-SVUU- and UOLDMII-SLII-FLAKS-Forms), our current usual Conceptions of «a human image» are replaced by completely new Conceptions of a Form with much more universal realizational possibilities. Being based on a completely different, as compared with ours, Perception system that is jointly organized by Universal Multipolarization Impulses of FLUU-VVU-doubles and by Focuses of the Integral Motivational Impulse (FIMI) of «plasmic» analogs of NUU-VVU-Form-Types, FLAKS-Creators can no longer concentrate on individual information fragments that have narrowly-specific and narrow-quality kinds of interconnections.

1.0341 Using FLUU-LUU-complexes as their information source, whose Creativity Spheres include much more Information and temporal content than OLLAKT-DRUOTMM-systems, all FLAKS-Creators, whose focal Configurations are quite thoroughly and deeply synthesized by Focal interconnections of many Proto-Forms owing to the activity of Form-Creators of the Quality ALL-Unity, cannot perceive «themselves» as individually manifested «personalities,» and they get new properties which we subjectively define now as the higher collective Subconsciousness. The Principle of expansion of the perception spectrum to include more features (development scenarios) characteristic of the general multipolarization Focus Dynamics, which we actively realize in our «future bioplasmic» Forms, receives even a more intensive development impetus in flaks Configurations ; this allows to unite, within one focal Configuration on the basis of the Principle of Resonation, the activity of SFUURMM-Forms that simultaneously structure many flaks-type analogs of NUU-VVU-Form-Types that are more or less resonational among themselves.

1.0342 The appearance of our flaks-type («plasmic») Self-Consciousnesses Forms — as we understand it! — is completely inconcrete and unlike the Forms through which we realize ourselves in this manifestation diapason; they rather resemble whole different-qualitative kinds of subjective LLUU-VVU-oriented Realities, with the help of which We — as FLAKS-Creators — simultaneously refocus in multipolarization in Space-Time approximately in the same way as we do it now using our Stereo-Types. You also should bear in mind that «plasmic» types of subjective Worlds’ Form-Systems, Realities, and Continuums, due to the great increase in «volume» («number») of energoinformational interconnections that are changed in each rotational shift in the Focus Dynamics, cardinally differ in quality from their physical analogs through Self-Consciousnesses Forms of which we now perceive ourselves «in a personalized way.» Our «currently» focused Worlds are just rough «projections» of our «future» creativity, where the surrounding Space, Time, and our energy possibilities have completely different, much more universal parameters.

§ The human microbiome. The biosphere is a huge pangenome. Influence of diffuzgentniy SFUURMM-Forms on our Focus Dynamics

This is adopted English translations of Iissiidiology. Fundamentals. Volume 1

1.0279 I would like to note that since all microbes constitute up to 5% of the mass of a body, then a 70-kilogram person has about 3.5 kilograms of bacteria. The human microbiome is structured by 500 — 5,000 kinds of bacteria and over 11,000 kinds of various persistent (from Latin persistens — persevere) viruses (in the human genome, endogenic retroviruses constitute 1.3% of the genome length, while «human proper» encoding genes equal 3%), protozoa, as well as by fungi represented in our biological bodies by eight million bio-Creators of unique encoding genes, while the main functions of human proper cells of our organism are provided just by 20-22 thousand genic bio-Creators that encode proteins for our metabolism. In other words, the content of bacterial genes in biological analogs of NUU-VVU-Form-Types is almost 400 times as much as that of human genes.

1.0280 Protoformal bio-Creators of viruses and bacteria not only structure our cells but also control immunity and a large part of our functional systems: digestive, genitourinary, endocrine, and vegetative systems. For example, in order to support functionality of the microflora in intestines a human body spends 20-25% of eaten nutritive substances, and 10-15% of energy received with food. Since the mucous membrane of intestines includes about 80% of immunecompetent cells, and 25% of its surface consists of immunoactive tissues, it is possible to say that intestines represents the largest «immune organ.» Thus the microflora of intestines actively participates in the formation of both local (activation of IgA production, phagocytic activity) and systemic immunity, while the presence of bacteria in the organism has a constant training antigenic effect.

1.0281 On the one hand, bacteria that live in our organism also take part in the inter-Qualitative Synthesis of Form-Creators of the LLUU-VVU-oriented Direction (some hormones, vitamins, growth factors, mutagens, antibiotics are being generated with their background activity). On the other hand, the microbic bio-Creators are assisted by the bio-Creators of the hormones to switch on and off their genes. When people interact with various kinds of animals, plants, as well as with water and minerals, a mutual interchange occurs between bacteria that results in a genetic recombination. There are many properties acquired by microbes in interspecific interaction with each other. They synthesize all the incoming Information, preserve it, constantly improve it, and actively introduce it into DNA of the Proto-Forms inhabited by them (spore-forming microbes and viruses are long-storage accumulators for genetic Information). In addition, constantly evolving, many of them incorporate the genes captured from protoformal bio-Creators into their chromosomes and preserve them, transmitting the borrowed genes to the complex-structural organisms of animals and plants whose bio-Creators have a resonational effect to this Information.

1.0282 We exist in a flow of interchangeable genes that are continuously transmitted between bacteria, plants, animals, and people. People constantly propagate their genes in the environment (not only materially, with little parts of the physiological organism and on burial grounds but also on the wave level); and the environment, in turn, continuously enriches NUU-VVU-Form-Types focused by people in different ways with the genes that maximally meet their essential needs and realization interests. From the point of view of interspecific Evolution, all biological Proto-Forms may be characterized as habitation environments for microorganisms that produce new genes that give rise to new Self-Consciousnesses Forms. This is why it is possible to state in the full conviction that the Earth biosphere represents a large-scale pangenome — a well-functioning system of energoinformational interconnections between genic bio-Creators constantly exchanged between all strains of microbes and bacteria. Therefore, the biosphere is the whole aggregate of genes of all living organisms.

1.0283 By the way, the evolutional function of «Death» becomes clear taking into account the above information: microbes have created some special genic modifications in an organism, as a result, after the organism fulfills its biological function, it must die in order to let other bio-Creators of microbes assimilate this Information, reproduce it, and introduce it into genomes of other organisms. The point is that dead organisms release gigatons of extracellular (free) DNA into the environment, that is, molecules with the whole specially encoded organization of Life on our planet.

1.0284 Within the lifetime each of us hourly «disseminates» about 40 million bacteria into the environment (during conversations, with perspiration, in body contacts, in public transport, to say nothing of kissing, coughing, and sneezing), whereas, in contrast, after our «postmortem» refocusings, this amount increases by several orders (depending on a duration of decay of biological bodies). The main purpose of the bio-Creators of free DNA that constantly add new strains of microbes and bacteria to the environment as a result of «Deaths» of countless biological organisms is the intraspecific and interspecific redistribution of genetic Information that forms the basis of duvuyllerrt (but completely different) formation of the biological contents of each Continuum groups.

1.0285 Since synthesized SFUURMM-Forms of the bio-Creators transmit Information typical of all diffuzgent Proto-Forms into our Focus Dynamics, in some way or other participate (in the background) in the human Synthesis Scheme, and their Configurations do not have the VVU-feature characteristic of people (a special type of kleksing typical of the Focus Dynamics of the Form-Creators that realize refocusings in the LLUU-VVU-oriented Direction), then, being involved in our Focus Dynamics, they give rise to unconscious reactions in our Self-Consciousness that are incomprehensible to our mind: either thirst, hunger, tiredness, and need for a rest; or an irrepressible desire of rude sex typical of wild animals; or sudden aggressiveness and bloodthirstiness typical of predators; or an unaccountable fear, phobia or horror that unconsciously incite the only desire to run hastily away or hide somewhere.

1.0286 Very often, when we panic or fear anything, a deep analysis of current circumstances convinces us that this situation does not expose us to any danger. For example, an instinctive fear felt by many people in front of harmless mice, rats, frogs, reptiles, and insects, the fear of darkness, water, noise of the wind, thunder-storm, and so on, — all of this and a lot of more is the result of resonational involvement (in our Focus Dynamics) of SFUURMM-Forms of those animals that perceive these circumstances as a danger (usually these specific symptomatic states — phobias — indirectly indicate that the Focus Dynamics of «a personality» are overwhelmed by the tendencies typical of the Form-Creators’ Focus Dynamics of certain protoformal Directions).

1.0287 We resonationally involve in our Focus Dynamics only those destructive protoformal SFUURMM-Forms that have undergone a process of specific qualitative decoding (adaptation of meaning) and logical consideration typical only of the human principle of thinking, whose Configurations already include the comprehensible VVU-feature (the type of kleksing that corresponds to possibilities of the Perception systems of biological NUU-VVU-Forms — our type of thinking and feelings), due to which we understand their meaning; moreover, we attract them not from protoformal but from human Rezomirals and corresponding OLLAKT-DRUOTMM-systems. Each such kleksed SFUURMM-Form is immediately «projected» into the Self-Consciousness structure (information space) of «the personality» that «unpacked it,» and adds its characteristic interconnections («personal» Experience) to the individual ODS of this «personality.» The division into protoformal ODS and «human» ODS (that, by the way, also belong to protoformal ones, I have singled them out just for convenience of explanation) is merely hypothetical, because each type of ODS is diffuzgently structured not only by its typical SFUURMM-Forms but also by other ones that reflect other Synthesis Schemes.

§ - The general SFUURMM-Forms could be taken from Noo-Sphere. The formation of biological and subjective memory types

This is adopted English translations of Iissiidiology. Fundamentals. Volume 1

The inherent SFUURMM- Forms of personal Self-Consciousness are both bio and partially bio-plasma bodies. The general SFUURMM-Forms could be taken from Noo-Sphere. The formation of biological and subjective memory types. The cumulative consciousness of personality is a subjective memory. Formo-Creators of the combined Consciousness are disseminated among focuses of all Proto-Forms. Focus Dynamics of NUU-VVU-Forms is a dominant in relation to other Proto-Forms.

1.0294 SFUURMM-Forms of the lower «personalized» Self-Consciousness are peculiar only to the Focus Dynamics of biological and — partially (just 1% as a mechanism of annihilation of the biological constituent) — «bioplasmic» analogs of the NUU-VVU-Form-Types. In the first case, this type of Focus Dynamics is more based on the unconscious (that is, individually not discerned by «a personality» but perceived as «its own») activity of SFUURMM-Forms of the collective unconsciousness that are «projected» in multipolarization into the Focus Dynamics of any human «personality» by means of the Creative Activity of all other surrounding Proto-Forms in this group of «human» Continuums.

1.0295 As I have already mentioned, all these «projections» occur not only during a direct psycho-mental and physical interaction between a human being and a certain Self-Consciousness Form of animals, plants, and minerals, but also by means of common (for them) covarllert SFUURMM-Forms that structure the photoreductive Ether (the Sphere of Creativity of photoreversive Fields-Consciousnesses, or in other words the Earth’s «Noo-Sphere» that consists of an infinite set of different-type OLLAKT- and DRUOTMM-systems formed by thinking-feeling creativity of all biological Proto-Forms of GOOLGAMAA-A). Since the Focus Dynamics of Self-Consciousness’ Form-Creators of Each LLUU-VVU-Form (according to the principle of an inertially-organized (by the LLUU-VVU-Form) synthetic process) have diffuzgent properties, the lower «personalized» — maximally subjective! — part of Focus Dynamics of each Its NUU-VVU-Form manifested in the 2.5-4.0-dimensional diapason also represents the Principle of creative realization of SFUURMM-Forms (they are far from Human understanding of perfection) characteristic of the Focus Dynamics of biological and physical analogs of all representatives in our outer reality: animals, plants, microorganisms, and minerals.

1.0296 Owing to Form-Creators from various Levels of «personalized» Self-Consciousness, protoformal SFUURMM-Forms of the collective unconsciousness that have undergone a LLUU-VVU-oriented adaptation continuously form new covarllert interconnections in the individual ODS of Self-Consciousness’ information space of each «personality,» and these interconnections have formed, in Time and in Space, a biological (the «personalized» unconsciousness, all the Focus Dynamics of bio-Creators of a NUU-VVU-Form: microorganisms, cells, molecules, atoms) and subjective (the lower and higher «personalized» Self-Consciousness) types of memory of this «personality.» The first type motivates the Focus Dynamics of the «personality» only from the point of view of egocentric interests within the existing Experience of bio-Creators of its biological existence (possibilities to eat tasty food and to enjoy physical comfort, the memory of health conditions during various periods in Life, taking into account the danger of inflicting injuries, «lethal» outcome, and so on), whereas the second type concentrates its Focus of Close Attention on perspectives of realization by means of lower psycho-mental interests whose purpose is to more and more actively involve the «personality» into some kinds of collective creativity within the human community where the «personality» is manifested.

1.0297 Both these constituents simultaneously form the general state of the Focus Dynamics that can be defined as the combined Consciousness of «a personality» (please, do not confuse it with the combined Consciousness of a LLUU-VVU-Form, or in other words, with the Ultraconsciousness) — that is, all the Experience of possible individual psycho-mental reactions of the «personality» to Information, events intuitively or directly (empirically) perceived by it simultaneously in many development scenarios of the group of human STC in which it is focused. The combined Consciousness of each human being (or any other Self-Consciousness Form) represents a unique and specific set of SFUURMM-Forms that, in this manifestation diapason, are typical of Form-Creators of the collective unconsciousness and of the lower collective Subconsciousness of different-type Collective Intelligences that in their own way influence the general dynamics of energoinformational interconnections between a Form’s Form-Creators (a particular «personality») and the outer reality. In certain psychological states, some SFUURMM-Forms of the «personalized» unconsciousness (that is, that part of protoformal SFUURMM-Forms of the collective unconsciousness which has already undergone adaptation to the Focus Dynamics of the LLUU-VVU-oriented Synthesis Scheme) can have quite a strong influence over the activity of Form-Creators from corresponding Levels of the «personalized» Self-Consciousness, as well as over the surrounding objects and phenomena, intentionally changing energoinformational interconnections between them and affecting the course of psycho-mental reactions, physiological and biochemical processes in the organism.

1.0298 It is possible to say that the combined Consciousness is the whole subjective memory of this «personality» (that is, whatever it can remember of «itself,» that which has been imprinted in its Self-Consciousness as a result of a subjective perception of Information that belongs to all Levels of the combined Consciousness, through the dynamics of Form-Creators of the «personalized» Self-Consciousness Level) that has been formed through a subjective «personalized» perception of Information of the lived part (that is, the empirical Experience) of an individual rotation Cycle. These information Levels of psychological realization are based on the activity of Form-Creators of the «personalized» unconsciousness that carry out that part of protoformal SFUURMM-Forms, using which each «personality» can subjectively identify itself with (be personalized as) a certain NUU-VVU-Configuration. The Form-Creators that form these Levels of Perception system of each «personality» actively participate only in making immediate decisions (the Focus Dynamics strategy is provided by FLAKS-Creators of the lower collective Subconsciousness). SFUURMM-Forms of each «current» choice are activated in the Focus Dynamics on the basis of all possible sensory (spontaneous, instinctive) reactions that came from the bio-Creators of all systems and organs in the biological organism.

1.0299 A «personality» uses these SFUURMM-Forms to elaborate the tactics of its «current» behavior and the nearest perspective based just on its available «personal» Experience for the moment. The Form-Creators from these Levels of the «personalized» Self-Consciousness practically have no access to the Information associated with a farther perspective of existence, that is, they in no way associate themselves with «the future,» but rather perceive themselves in the outer reality only through a detailed consideration of «the current moment.» This is carried out by the Form-Creators of certain centers of the brain due to an associative generalization of characteristic features of each current moment in Life (the basis of our «short-term memory») and its comparative analysis with the Experience already available in the individual ODS (the «long-term memory»). These Form-Creators know and remember absolutely everything, whenever it happened in the Life of this «personality.»

1.0300 Owing to diversified Information instinctively and intuitively obtained from Creativity Spheres of all possible diffuzgent Proto-Forms, as well as from lower Levels of the collective Subconsciousness, there are always simultaneous «reprojections» of energoinformational focal interconnections in the Focus Dynamics of a human «personality» from the simplest intuitive Levels and from rude-instinctive Levels of biological survival in different existence conditions onto the Levels of egoistic human creativity associated with biological (food procurement livelihood, physiological survival) and spiritual-ethical needs of the «personality» (family, society, creative self-perfection).

1.0301 The Creative Activity of the Form-Creators of «a personality’s» combined Consciousness cannot be separated from Focus Dynamics of all other Form-Creators of biological NUU-VVU-Self-Consciousnesses Forms, although there are individual characteristics in each particular case of manifestation (in different «personalized» Interpretations of one Stereo-Form). It is possible to figuratively compare it with the crown of a high tree formed by all leaves and branches on various levels, while the «personalized» Self-Consciousness (the Focus of Close Attention of «a personality» concentrated on a very narrow spectrum of the general multipolarization) and the «personalized» unconsciousness (a part of the collective unconsciousness adapted to this Form) can be compared with the roots that «feed» the general Focus Dynamics of this NUU-VVU-Form by creative tendencies characteristic of all protoformal development Directions. The crown cannot either appear or exist without the roots that provide and regulate its nutrition, allowing to grow individually and become either a dwarf plant or a gigantic tree.

1.0302 I must note that all Form-Creators that fully provide the biological existence and development of human Self-Consciousnesses Forms do not have any particular «location» in multidimensional structures of focus Rezomirals (such «locations» do not exists at all!), but are distributed among focal interconnections of all Proto-Forms simultaneously manifested in the Continuums of this manifestation diapason. You should understand well this nuance and have a clear picture of it. The svilgs-spherational Focus Dynamics of Self-Consciousnesses Forms from the lowest manifestation Levels of the LLUU-VVU-oriented birvulyarity type are organized only on the basis of a dominant (that is, most covarllert and steady in this manifestation mode) interaction between Form-Creators of the two Pure Qualities — ALL-Love-ALL-Wisdom and ALL-Will-of-ALL-Intelligence.

1.0303 This synthetic process of refocusings is characteristic of Perception systems and existence of any human «personalities» and is carried out with a simultaneous catalyzed (recessive, secondary, unstable) Information typical of Form-Creators of the other ten Pure Qualities that, being involved in other pairwise dominant combinations (with a dominant participation either of the Form-Creators associated with the Quality ALL-Love-ALL-Wisdom or those of the Quality ALL-Will-of-ALL-Intelligence), form the Focus Dynamics of all other — protoformal, nonhuman — Self-Consciousnesses Forms in human STC groups.

1.0304 Thus the focus basis of Form-Creators of human DNA genes that control and organize all biochemical and psycho-mental processes in the brain and in the biological organism of every NUU-VVU-Form consists of the most covarllert (for this manifestation mode!) energoinformational interconnections formed between the Form-Creators of the Qualities ALL-Love-ALL-Wisdom and ALL-Will-of-ALL-Intelligence. Since our biological organism is structured by the Focus Dynamics of Form-Creators of many other (nonhuman) Self-Consciousnesses Forms (starting with elementary particles, atoms, molecules, and ending with cells of organs and systems, as well as bodies of various microorganisms), the force of focal interconnections between their Dominants (either the Quality ALL-Love-ALL-Wisdom or the Quality ALL-Will-of-ALL-Intelligence plus one of the ten other Qualities) is less covarllert than the Energy formed in these manifestation conditions between the Form-Creators of the two Qualities. This is why the Form-Creators’ Focus Dynamics of NUU-VVU-Forms in human STC types dominate over the Focus Dynamics of all other Proto-Forms (also structured by Form-Creators of each of the two Qualities, however, in a recessive mode, that is, with less stable interconnections).

1.0305 Psycho-mental reactions of biological NUU-VVU-Forms that are based on SFUURMM-Forms of the lower «personalized» Self-Consciousness and are weakly affected by the higher-quality Levels of «a personality’s» combined Consciousness, that is, by the Form-Creators’ Focus Dynamics of the collective Subconsciousness, because the extremely undersynthesized state of these SFUURMM-Forms impedes this in «individual» TEC-«unpackings» of low-frequency Form-Creators that typically identify themselves with their own Forms of manifestation and are strongly attached to Forms of all surrounding objects and phenomena. 99% of all the contents of the Self-Consciousness’ information space of a LLUU-VVU-Form are practically inaccessible to «a personality» on this Level of the lowest «personalized» self-perception, because at every single moment of its Focus Dynamics — from among all versions of its typical multipolarization — there is «a projection» of just very fragmented Conceptions of «itself» and of surrounding life circumstances on the «bioscreen» of its Perception system, and «the personality» fully opposes itself to these circumstances.


§ Focus Dynamics of personal Consciousness is like watching a movie. Intuitive choice of better scenarios

This is adopted English translations of Iissiidiology. Fundamentals. Volume 1

Focus Dynamics of personal Consciousness is like  watching a movie. By enriching with experience of "personal" Self-Consciousness we displace Focus Dynamics in the higher levels of "personal" Self-Consciousness and lower levels of the Collective Unconscious. We cut the impact of a lower "personal" Self-Consciousness. Intuitive choice of better scenarios, targeting on altruistic choices.

1.0309 The effect caused by the Focus Dynamics of Form-Creators from all Levels of the «personalized» Self-Consciousness (the first two IISSIIDI-Centers) cab be compared with watching a feature film: as long as you observe what happens on the screen, your feelings and imagination help you to «live» each demonstrated situation, subjectively identifying yourself with the feelings and choices of the lead characters. Only after the film, when you completely understand its story line and all cause-and-effect interconnections between its characters, you begin to understand the true idea of the director. That is, the «personalized» Self-Consciousness helps us to feel current subjective details of actions and of the outer reality, forming and «projecting» (as SFUURMM-Forms of UU-VVU-copies) specifically-kleksed VVU-Information into the individual ODS of our Self-Consciousness Form; the VVU-Information is gradually accumulated and becomes our Experience, allowing for our wider perception and deeper understanding of the general Essence of everything that happens to us.

1.0310 We gradually enrich Self-Consciousnesses of our NUU-VVU-Forms with more complex SFUURMM-Forms, that is, with higher-quality Experience, and obtain the possibility to include, in our Focus Dynamics, more and more complex focal Configurations of the Form-Creators from higher Levels of the «personalized» Self-Consciousness in the 3.75-4.0-dimensional diapason (and also the lower collective Subconsciousness); this allows us to use our intuition to gradually «broaden» the outlook of our Focus Dynamics by several versions of simultaneously possible development scenarios, but every time we consciously choose only the one which maximally corresponds to our creative expectations and perspectives.

1.0311 Owing to this we «restrict» the influence of limited SFUURMM-Forms of the lower «personalized» Self-Consciousness over our psycho-mental creativity and acquire the ability to perceive a full chain of essentially important events, as though making their retrospective analysis not in detail but in whole, that is, analyzing many cause-and-effect interconnections that explain how exactly a certain action influenced the manifestation of some circumstances or events in our life creativity. This ability allows us to sequentially increase the focus activity of the Form-Creators from higher Levels of the «personalized» Self-Consciousness that assess each moment of our Life taking into account not realization of immediate egoistic interests but the whole diversified Experience simultaneously gained by «us personally» and by many other our — lower-quality — «personalized» Interpretations. And this summary Experience reliably orientates their Focus Dynamics to joint collective activities, altruistic choices, and intellectual development, because the higher-quality Focus Dynamics objectively provide them not only with a better biological state of the focused NUU-VVU-Forms, but also with a manifestation in higher-quality STC.

1.0312 The Higher «personalized» Self-Consciousness is manifested in people through states of elementary (motivated as beneficial to «a personality») altruism (caring for the family, friendship, love, charity, studying philosophy, esoterica, art, religious views, and so on), positive common sense, applied and abstract thinking (in science, production, business, legal studies, politics, management, economics, and so on). These manifestation Levels include activation and stable functioning of interconnections between the Form-Creators of wave-type NUU-VVU-Forms and the Focus Dynamics of flaks-type focal Configurations that represent SFUURMM-Forms of the lower collective Subconsciousness in individual ODS.

§ Activating of SFUURMM-Forms of Collective Subconscious. This information is generally not available in usual states

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Activating of SFUURMM-Forms of Collective Subconscious. This information is generally not available in usual states. FLAKS-Creators project the program for the entire multitude Focus Dynamics from all scenarios into “personal” Self-Consciousness..

1.0315 When the influence of the collective unconsciousness almost completely (by 99%) disappears from the Focus Dynamics of NUU-VVU-Forms, the Form-Creators of lower and higher «personalized» Self-Consciousness also become considerably less involved in «a personality’s» life creativity (because they have been sufficiently synthesized on their typical low- and medium-frequency manifestation Levels in the 3-4-dimensional diapason), giving way to more universal SFUURMM-Forms of the collective Subconsciousness of FLAKS-Creators. This is why mainly quantum-type Form-Creators from the highest Levels of the «personalized» Self-Consciousness realize themselves in the 3.75-4.0-dimensional diapason by means of Focus Dynamics of «bioplasmic» analogs of NUU-VVU-Forms (they are devoid of egoism and have sufficiently developed characteristic features of high-intellect Altruism and high-feeling Intellect); the same applies to the FLAKS-Creators of the lower collective Subconsciousness in the 4.0-4.25-dimensional part of this «border» («bioplasmic») manifestation diapason.

1.0316 Information of the lower collective Subconsciousness constitutes the qualitative and subjective basis of everything that has happened to us in our Life — regardless of our awareness of it — and that structures the contents of the temporal ethereal constituent, starting from the late period of intrauterine development (from the seventh week, when the anterior part of the brain is formed), when the embryo’s brain formation just enters the phase characteristic of higher mammals, to all innumerable subjective moments of «dying» of this «personality.» Constantly scanning all sequentially-focaled-by-us focal Configurations and «projecting» them into the individual ODS, FLAKS-Creators of the lower collective Subconsciousness provide coordination and regulation of all functions of the bio-Creators in the organism, and thoroughly preserve not only the gained empirical Experience but also all minutest tints of any our feelings during our whole Life.

1.0317 A greater part of this Information «unpacked» by each of us every moment is inaccessible to the Form-Creators of the «personalized» Self-Consciousness and can be «projected» into our Perception system only with the help of specific altered states (exclusively in a deep Meditation, because during «a retrospective hypnosis» the Information «unpacked» by the hypnologist is not subjectively registered by «the personality’s» Perception system), because it contains all the sequence of characteristic focal Configurations of rotation Shifts that continuously change in the Focus Dynamics; and all this forms the whole «cause-and-effect» energoinformational basis of Existence of every «personality» (a sequential picture of realization of its Thoughts and Feelings, its entire «short-term» and «long-term memory»). The collective Subconsciousness registers everything that consciously or unconsciously enters the sphere of FCA of your Perception system’s Form-Creators, that is, everything you automatically think about or usually feel, hear or say, that which you already do or just going to fulfill somehow.

1.0318 It is possible to say that, in whole, FLAKS-Creators of the collective Subconsciousness «project,» into the Perception system of every «personality,» a very detailed Program of simultaneous multipolarized realizations of countless Focus Dynamics typical of each Stereo-Form of LLUU-VVU. From among a certain set of versions of these potentially possible (for each NUU-VVU-Form) different-qualitative information combinations, each «personalized» Interpretation resonationally «unpacks» (klekses through TEC in its individual ODS) only those SFUURMM-Forms which can be maximally, subjectively realized through its typical Perception system. All development scenarios formed by a multidimensional «intersection» of focal Configurations of innumerable versions of individual rotation Cycles constitute the «current» information basis of such realization of the FLAKS-Creators.

1.0319 At each particular moment of Time, all the smallest specific characteristics of possible psychological states of any «personality» (its Thoughts and Feelings, Desires and Aspirations) are already initially reflected in each of numerous development scenarios that belong to rotation Cycles of the Worlds Form-System where this «personality» is focused. Every instant, within the narrowly-specific focal Configuration of the Form-Creators of its «personalized» Self-Consciousness, the FLAKS-Creators seemingly propose (from the next duvuyllerrt group of scenarios) to resonationally choose among many currently possible different-qualitative versions of its psycho-mental activity. Each version structures just one development scenario among many rotation Cycles that mutually intersect in this multidimensional «point» of the skrruullerrt system. Every time, the Form-Creators of the «personalized» Self-Consciousness can react by their Focus of Close Attention only to a particular scenario among all multipolarization possibilities of the Stereo-Form’s Focus Dynamics, and they become immediately fixed to the scenario’s typical circumstances through certain changes in the temporal ethereal constituent. Every next instant of Life of any «personality» is changed in this way during each its choice.

§ Interquality Synthesis is a simultaneous jump of billions of elementary particles. Desynchronization of Formo-Creators

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Interquality Synthesis is a simultaneous jump of billions of elementary particles. Desynchronization of Formo-Creators’ Focus Dynamics. Co-manifistation in Space Time Continuums through the common dominant Pure Cosmic Qualities. The quantum effect of fixing Configuration to the best conditions of manifistation.

1.0353 When an inter-Qualitative Synthesis happens on one of the Levels of a focus NUU-VVU-Configuration, the Form-Creators’ Focus Dynamics of the «personalized» Self-Consciousness undergo very intensive energoinformational changes (it can be compared with the plane that achieves the sonic barrier), as a result of which the Creative Activity Vector in the multipolarization sector of the Focus Dynamics manifestation of this «personality» also sharply changes its directivity. Many possible parameters are involved in this subjective process that refer to Information, Energy, Time, and Space, — all of them qualitatively change in one instant relative to parameters of the previous focus NUU-VVU-Configuration (with an insufficient inter-Qualitative Synthesis in this resopason).

1.0354 It is simply impossible to imagine the synchronous «leap» of Form-Creators’ Focus Dynamics of billions of billions of different-qualitative elementary particles combined into atomic-molecular, superatomic structures, and cellular formations, moreover, without breaking the Form-structure (biological organism) that provides their energoinformational connections. This is why, each Act of inter-Qualitative Synthesis, no matter on which Level of the Self-Consciousness’ Focus Dynamics it happens, is accompanied by unsynchronization of the Form-Creators’ Focus Dynamics that provide functionality of a corresponding life support system, and all of us subjectively perceive it as «Death of a personality.» That is, in order to begin to function synchronously in a new manifestation mode (to drastically change the vector directivity of the Focus Dynamics), Form-Creators of billions of particles must «die»: shift their Focus Dynamics from a previous NUU-VVU-Configuration which no longer corresponds to the higher degree of their inter-Qualitative Synthesis, and immediately «be born» in a slightly higher-quality Self-Consciousness Form that structures another development scenario of this Stereo-Form.

1.0355 Now let’s get back to the consideration of the Self-Consciousness. Any human «personality,» creature, object or natural phenomenon are jointly manifested (for the 3-4-dimensional diapason — optically-molecularly, as quanta) in every «point» of the surrounding Space-Time only owing to a certain affinity of focus (energoinformational) interconnections that mutually form them and provide the vector-type structure for the Configurations of Self-Consciousnesses Forms typical of them all (in «our» type of subjective Reality, this is represented by characteristic features of Quality Aspects’ dominance in focal interconnections: either those of ALL-Love-ALL-Wisdom, or of ALL-Will-of-ALL-Intelligence, or of both of them in «personalized» Self-Consciousnesses of all people). This means that these interconnections also structure their Focus Dynamics. What are the Focus Dynamics or, in other words, inertial refocusings? In short, they represent realization of the Principle of a continuous and purposeful change of resonational activity of certain SFUURMM-Forms in Self-Consciousness generated by Info-Creators; the activity is formed as their narrowly-specific response (reaction) to the dissonational activity of Form-Creators that manipulate temporarily unbalanced focal interconnections in Worlds’ Form-Systems. Therefore, energy carriers (models for manifestation of any Self-Consciousnesses Forms in Space-Time) of these focal interconnections are represented by different-qualitative Form-Creators (they are also the Focuses themselves!), while Info-Creators serve as carriers of the slloogrent Information basis that sequentially compensates some Levels of general dissonation between their focal Configurations (Info-Creators also represent information combinations or SFUURMM-Forms that are realized in Form-Systems with the help of an energy Potential that structures the Focuses).

§ The mechanism of SFUURMM-Forms formation on the example of sentences from the letters and numbers of different alphabet

This is adopted English translations of Iissiidiology. Fundamentals. Volume 1

The mechanism of SFUURMM-Forms formation on the example of sentences from the letters and numbers of different alphabets. Self-Consciousness is a type birvulyartnost. Connection of Focuses with DNA Formo-Creators.

1.0363 Nonetheless, based on the above information, it might be still unclear to you what exactly the Configurations of heterogeneous information fragments represent and how exactly the complex-configuration combinations of our subjective Conceptions, or SFUURMM-Forms are formed, which, according to scientists, are generated in the brain? Without a deep understanding of this process it is simply impossible to imagine how all our thoughts, feelings, and experience «appear» and motivate all our actions and decisions. In order to adapt this process to the specific character of a typical human Perception system, let’s imagine that a minimum resonational combination of Configurations of heterogeneous information fragments that can be at least somehow reflected in the specific conditions of Space-Time typical of our «current» Self-Consciousnesses Forms (the quantum-molecular level of the 3-4-dimensional diapason) «is formed» as a series of natural numbers and letters in all alphabets of different languages.

1.0364. The numbers are easy to understand — there are just ten of them (0, 1, 2, …, 8, 9), although they can be written in different ways (Latin, Greek, Arabic, and others), but letters (hieroglyphs, consonantal writing, syllabic writing, Abugida or consonantal-syllabic writing, Tai Lü language, letter-like symbols, and so on) are much harder to understand, because the same meaning is differently expressed in writing by different nations. This is even more convenient in our case, because each detail of a notionally imagined Configuration of the main feature of Self-Consciousness — Information — potentially includes a certain meaning (value, characteristics, parameter) typical of one of the twelve Pure Cosmic Qualities and expressed by a combination of certain symbols.

1.0365. Therefore, it is possible to show a Configuration of each SFUURMM-Form that are arbitrarily or intentionally manifested in the information space of our Self-Consciousness Form and that subjectively reflect various covarllert combinations of heterogeneous fragmented Information (elementary Thoughts and Feelings — IISSTLLII and AAYLLII), in the form of a series of symbols combined in a certain manner; the thinking-feeling process can be expressed as infinite quantum sequences (adeles) of these symbols whose increasingly-more-complex Configurations structure all the slloogrentness of the quantum diapason of manifestation of SFUURMM-Forms in the information space of Self-Consciousness. Quantum features, which we subjectively interpret as «mentality,» «rationality,» «intellectuality,» may be better reflected through all possible combinations of numbers, while features of «vitality» (sensuousness, emotionality) may be expressed by all the configurational diversity of letters and symbols characteristic of many alphabets.

1.0366. Let’s consider an example with the subjective Conception of «clear sky.» Here, the fragmentary Information (UU-VVU-Form) which people express by the word «clear» («clarity»), depending on some protoformal tendencies (Directions) that predominate in «a personality’s» Focus Dynamics, can be expressed in the information structure of Self-Consciousness with the help of virtual analogs of the following series of symbolic sequences, where each symbol designates a peculiar code that provides the Focus Dynamics with an access to corresponding features that are at least somehow related with realization of this Information. Take notice that each symbol is not the fragment itself but a peculiar «fractal focal point» of a huge set of combinations of covarllert (to each other) heterogeneous fragments united by one Meaning:

А –

B –

C –

D –

E –

F –

1.0367. Different-qualitative subjective Conceptions associated in different protoformal Directions with the word «sky» can also be expressed by the following peculiar series of symbols:

          G –

          H –

          I –

         J –

         K –

         L –

         M –

Therefore, depending on predominance of some Directions in the Form-Creators’ Focus Dynamics, the SFUURMM-Form «clear sky» may be subjectively expressed in this Self-Consciousness Form as a combination of the following covarllert features: A + ZH; B + Z; V + I; G + K; D + L; E + M, and so on.

1.0368. The number of such narrowly-specific combinations of UU-VVU-Forms simultaneously (potentially) manifested in the information space of Self-Consciousness may equal the number of protoformal Directions represented through corresponding Form-Creators during subjective «unpacking» of each SFUURMM-Form. This is why sensations (feelings) that appear in the form of individual psychological reactions during «unpacking» of seemingly the same (in meaning) content (data) are completely different for different «personalities.» Since the psycho-mental process never stops in the Self-Consciousness, absolutely all versions of the slloogrent Focus Dynamics that simultaneously resonationally manipulate an infinite set of heterogeneous combinations of fragmented Information in the information space of Self-Consciousness can be expressed through an abstract image of multidispersed «spheroidicity,» where each «particle» represents one of heterogeneous information fragments whose Configurations instantaneously-simultaneously structure all the slloogrentness of Energy-Plasma*.

* See IISSIIDIOLOGY Fundamentals, Volume 2

1.0369. Depending on the Synthesis Scheme included in a given Self-Consciousness Form, the general «picture» of all this «multidispersed state of information» will include strictly-definite energoinformational interconnections that continuously become activated between Form-Creators and reflect only that birvulyarity type in which they resonationally participate in this «point» of Space-Time as Focuses of qualitative dominance features that are slloogrently realized by the Form-Creators. Such a general, abstract «picture» of heterogeneous focal interconnections represents just one of possible versions of symbolic reflection of the mysterious and yet-completely-incomprehensible (to scientists) Mechanism (State), which is hidden behind such our common definitions as «Self-Consciousness» and «a Self-Consciousness Form.»

1.0370. Now you know that we use the term «Self-Consciousness» to subjectively interpret a certain birvulyarity type — a Universal Scheme of inter-Qualitative Synthesis. For example, in duvuyllerrt groups of «human» Continuums of the Planetary Entity GREIYSLIISS that structure the 3-4-dimensional manifestation diapason, each birvulyarity type is manifested through characteristic Focus Dynamics of Self-Consciousness Form-Creators of all possible biological and nonbiological analogs of different-qualitative Form-Types (Stereo-Forms). Depending on a protoformal directivity, mechanisms of creative realization of all potential energoinformational possibilities of a Self-Consciousness may be completely different.

1.0371. For example, for biological Self-Consciousnesses Forms, such a molecular «decoder» (quantum adapter that resonationally deciphers necessary information fragments, adapts them to already existing SFUURMM-Forms, and performs the reaction-based qualitative Synthesis of new Conceptions) is represented by all possible kinds and types of DNA-RNA-complexes. Quantum-level Form-Creators of these biological complexes that are distributed in each cell of the biological organism through specific genome combinations of «chromosome sets» are true initiators and coordinators of all the «current» Focus Dynamics performed every single moment on the quantum level in each biological Self-Consciousness Form. Exactly owing to particular features of this narrowly-specific quantum effect, all possible atomic-molecular complexes, which we call «a biological organism,» are modeled in a definite sequence and initiated in a certain order for their manifestation.

1.0372. The total quantum spectrum of the Form-Creators’ Focus Dynamics of these DNA-RNA-complexes that structure all cells of an organism forms a joint realization field of activity of many bio-Creators that represent different Proto-Forms (the quantum-level collective Consciousness of all cells); and the main atomic-molecular «receiving-retransmitting mechanism» of their incessant energoinformational interconnections with all other Focuses of Self-Consciousnesses that represent various types of Collective Cosmic Intelligences in these manifestation conditions includes the most synthesized wave-type Configurations of the brain Form-Creators whose Focuses are functionally (that is, resonationally, in accordance with Energy-Information that structures them) tuned to a specific frequency of wave oscillations of atomic-molecular structures in DNA-RNA-complexes within cells of each area of the brain.

1.0373. These bio-Creators that are the most experienced ones for this Configuration perform the role of initiators of psycho-mental reactions of «a personality» to external and internal irritants. Form-Creators of electrons that structure the atomic-molecular system of neuronal-synaptic connections perform the role of energy carriers of fragmentary Information inside Self-Consciousness (subjective self-transformation through the focus diversification of the Information in the information space from slloogrent Configurations of UU-VVU-Forms and its resonational combination into all particular SFUURMM-Forms of the individual ODS of this «personalized» Interpretation’s Form).

1.0374. They (Form-Creators of electrons in sensory neurons) directly provide the electric transmission of nerve impulses from receptors to the central nervous system (CNS), from sensory neurons of CNS to executive organs (electrons’ Form-Creators of motor neurons) and unite Energy-Information of Form-Creators of DNA-RNA-complexes of slightly different nerve cells (internuncial neurons). All the molecular complexity and diversity of the Form-Creators’ functions in the nervous system of any biological Self-Consciousness Form are determined by the efficiency of resonational focus interactions between all electrons’ Form-Creators of neurons whose functional activity we subjectively perceive (through instrument data) as a peculiar set of various signals generated and transmitted during wave-type interaction between neurons (or between muscles and glands) with the help of Form-Creators that carry an electric charge.
