Message to English speaking audience from the Author

round 1 "Dear readers, WITHOUT A SCRUTINY OF RUSSIAN LANGUAGE IT IS SIMPLY IMPOSSIBLE TO UNDERSTAND DEEPLY THIS KNOWLEDGE. Any translation of Iissiidiology to other language even if it is made by a very experienced translator-iissiidiologist distorts the meaning of the texts by 60-70%. At the same time, due to the forceful simplification of sentences composite structure, it also deforms powerfully the entire Mechanism of mandatory activation in the cerebral cortex of those neural fields and systems that provide cognitive enhancement. I potentially lay down this Mechanism that is hidden in the peculiarities of text’s formation. During the process of Iissiidiology learning, it also provides a progressive advance and deepening the possibilities of the intuitive perception as well as stabilizes links to the collective Subconscious. Without the presence of these links is quite impossible to achieve the desired state of DEEPEST Meditation. In addition, in every sentence of the original Russian text invisibly and latently the Focus Dynamics of Self-Consciousness of the AUTHOR futures (with all his inherent depth Understanding of what he writes). This creates additional opportunities for progressive developments and gain the intuitive and unconscious psyche – mental links from the reader to the author. While when studying Iissiidiology in translation, the reader, to a far greater degree, has a remote contact with the Self-Consciousness of the interpreter who does not know the answers many questions that arise during the study." Oris

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  • Home
  • Commentaries to Fundamentals. Volume 10
  • Section III. Summary of main principles of energy-information structurization of multidimensional creative dynamics of LLUU-VVU-Forms’ «variable ethereal component»
  • Chapter 2. Diffuzgent properties of NUU-VVU
  • § Adaptable forms of NUU-VVU are transitional configurations from / to other Proto-Forms

Immortality Conceptions. § Adaptable forms of NUU-VVU are transitional configurations from / to other Proto-Forms

This is adopted English translations of Iissiidiology. Immortality is accessible to everyone. Volume 10

10.0491 In fact, the whole range of possible individual differences like psychic abilities and reactions, biological and physical peculiarities, creative bents and talents, phobias and pathologic complexes, is also, to a great extent, the result of the same dynamic processes of unconscious and tendentially stable refocusings of UFS from Formo-Types of other Proto-Forms of GOOLGAMAA-A into Formo-Types of LLUU-VVU-Forms.

10.0492 These processes are relevant as well to factors that actively influence the duration of individual rotation Cycles which are characteristic of some representatives of the civilized and intellectually developed part of humankind and of some of the underdeveloped individuals that live in tribes in Australia, New Zealand, India, Central Africa, South Africa, Latin America, North America, and the Northern territories of Russia and Alaska (I mean not entire tribes and peoples, but distinct individuals), who represent adaptational or diffusgent (transitional) Forms between the simplest Configurations of “human” NUU-VVU and other Proto-Forms whose Self-Consciousnesses represent other combinations of Dominants.

10.0493 It’s common knowledge that the lifespan of the members of these tribes and peoples is considerably shorter than the average lifespan of “humankind” as a whole. That they don’t have professional medical services, high quality nutrition, or sanitary living conditions (that stagger the imagination) is far from being the main factors determining the lifespan of each member of such tribes.

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