Message to English speaking audience from the Author

round 1 "Dear readers, WITHOUT A SCRUTINY OF RUSSIAN LANGUAGE IT IS SIMPLY IMPOSSIBLE TO UNDERSTAND DEEPLY THIS KNOWLEDGE. Any translation of Iissiidiology to other language even if it is made by a very experienced translator-iissiidiologist distorts the meaning of the texts by 60-70%. At the same time, due to the forceful simplification of sentences composite structure, it also deforms powerfully the entire Mechanism of mandatory activation in the cerebral cortex of those neural fields and systems that provide cognitive enhancement. I potentially lay down this Mechanism that is hidden in the peculiarities of text’s formation. During the process of Iissiidiology learning, it also provides a progressive advance and deepening the possibilities of the intuitive perception as well as stabilizes links to the collective Subconscious. Without the presence of these links is quite impossible to achieve the desired state of DEEPEST Meditation. In addition, in every sentence of the original Russian text invisibly and latently the Focus Dynamics of Self-Consciousness of the AUTHOR futures (with all his inherent depth Understanding of what he writes). This creates additional opportunities for progressive developments and gain the intuitive and unconscious psyche – mental links from the reader to the author. While when studying Iissiidiology in translation, the reader, to a far greater degree, has a remote contact with the Self-Consciousness of the interpreter who does not know the answers many questions that arise during the study." Oris

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  • Home
  • Fundamentals. Volume 1
  • Section I. Integral concepts that form the basis of iissiidiologic Notions
  • Chapter 3. Axiomatic Conceptions of Iissiidiology
  • § Mechanisms of slloogrentnost and duvujllerrtnost

Axiomatic Conceptions of Iissiidiology. § Mechanisms of slloogrentness and duvuyllerrtness

This is adopted English translations of Iissiidiology. Fundamentals. Volume 1


1.0150 As distinguished from skrruullerrtness, the Mechanism of slloogrentness (for the 3-4-dimensional diapason — holographousness) manifests as a universal property of infinite «Self-projection» (Self-propagation) of all types of Collective Cosmic Intelligences and Their Self-Consciousnesses Forms as «spheroidal» energoinformational Configurations into entire diversity of Energy-Information manifestations in the form of different-dimension structures of the Macrocosmos. This Principle allows each Self-Consciousness Form to use multipolarization (that is, simultaneously both differentiation and integration, evolution and involution) and «become projected» into the entire infinite set of the Macrocosmos’s Universums that duvuyllerrtly and diffuzgently carry out various Synthesis Scheme of the Pure Cosmic Qualities. Different Self-Consciousness Levels are structured by completely different Conceptions of the outer reality, because the slloogrent Energy-Information about objective Reality is resonationally «projected» into Self-Consciousness through different-qualitative subjective Perception systems of the Forms.

1.0151 Such «mutual projection of all in all» is possible because Energy-Plasma includes the Principle of duvuyllerrtness or regularity of any processes of different-qualitative transformations carried out through the Focus Dynamics of Forms: the infinite diversity of the Forms’ Configurations allows each Self-Consciousness, during each qualitative change of its Focus Dynamics, to subjectively fulfill the process of sequential and gradual Synthesis of Conceptions that structure this Self-Consciousness. This Principle reflects all «minutest» details of the common Scheme of absolute Synthesis of the Pure Cosmic Qualities in Energy-Plasma for a nominal Moment of Eternity of the Macrocosmos’s Existence. When the Focus Dynamics are carried out at any Level of Self-Consciousness, none of these «details» can be omitted, or replaced with another one — each «point» of resonational manifestation of a Form’s Configuration strictly corresponds to a definite synthetic stage of a fully completed and harmonized Process of the general slloogrent state of Energy-Plasma.

1.0152 You can also imagine duvuyllerrtness as a certain sequential series of events (actions, phenomena, circumstances, psychisms, and so on) that reflects changes in the quality of the Self-Consciousness’ Focus Dynamics. The specific character of manifestation of the Principle of Duvuyllerrtness directly depends on the inertia degree (quality) of SFUURMM-Forms with the help of which the Perception system’s Focus Dynamics are carried out — the higher inertia (that is, the lower the quality), the more duvuyllerrt events (regular sequential acts of resonational Synthesis) must happen in the information space of Self-Consciousness in order to achieve a desired goal (manifest it in the outer reality).

1.0153 Let me give you a demonstrative example with a luminescence lamp or with the formation of an image on the screen of a cathode ray tube. In fact, the lamp blinks 50 times per second owing to the alternating current frequency. However, we do not notice these blinks, and we have the illusion that the lamp provides constant and uniform light. The same phenomenon is observed on the screen of a cathode ray tube: the beam from the cathode-ray gun runs minimum 25 times per second over the whole surface of the screen, line by line, however, we do not notice this process either, instead, we just register the illusion of visual dynamics. Duvuyllerrtness is the mechanism of qualitative detailing of structural elements in every dimensional diapason; and, due to rotation Shifts, the mechanism allows to form a complete and convincing illusion of subjective Reality («individual existence») in different-qualitative Perception systems of different-type Self-Consciousnesses Forms.



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