Axiomatic Conceptions of Iissiidiology. § The Collective Cosmic Intelligence

This is adopted English translations of Iissiidiology. Fundamentals. Volume 1


1.0184 The Collective Cosmic Intelligence (CCI) is a notional category of the subjective interpretation of a simultaneous manifestation of the different-level (different-diapason) Focus Dynamics of Form-Creators in Space-Time, which has a characteristic, relatively high degree of different-qualitative covarllertness within their (Form-Creators’) common Synthesis Scheme. For example, a LLUU-VVU-Form represents, relative to all now-focaled-by-us biological analogs of Its NUU-VVU-Form-Types (Self-Consciousnesses Forms), the Collective Cosmic Intelligence (a TOO-UU-Entity) with one Synthesis Scheme for the State «Creative Cosmic Dissatisfaction» (the 10th-11th dimension): ALL-Primordiality-ALL-Initiality + ALL-Knowledge-ALL-Informedness + ALL-Essentiality-ALL-Permeability + ALL-Aspiration + ALL-Integrity + ALL-Unity + ALL-Love-ALL-Wisdom + ALL-Will-of-ALL-Intelligence.

1.0185 In this multiple-stage synthetic process, the possibilities of the Focus Dynamics of NUU-VVU-bioanalogs’ Form-Creators are limited by elementary Levels of the 3-4-dimensional manifestation diapason and provide the realization of interconnections according to the two-dominant Synthesis Scheme (ALL-Love-ALL-Wisdom + ALL-Will-of-ALL-Intelligence) so that they could achieve the State of «Creative Cosmic Potentiality» «in the future» (in the 4th-5th-dimensional diapason). Continuously creating necessary conditions for a sequential manifestation (in their f-Configurations ) of every other Dominant typical of the Synthesis Scheme of this TOO-UU-Entity (LLUU-VVU-Self-Consciousness-Form), «the present» NUU-VVU-Forms’ Form-Creators once will be able to subjectively perceive Themselves as Form-Creators of ussdoisstm Levels of Self-Consciousness (the 10th-11th-dimensional diapason), performing the functions of Higher Form-Creators of the LLUU-VVU-oriented birvulyarity type, which is duvuyllerrtly transformed in subsequent Synthesis Schemes into the much more perfect AIY-YYA-related type. In this very way, the Form-Creators’ Focus Dynamics of the LLUU-VVU-oriented Self-Consciousnesses Forms (irkkulls, flakses, vuoldsses, orfrovts, pruuisses, ijmijlls, peeppts, iissmms) become sequentially transmuted into the Form-Creators’ Focus Dynamics of their own TOO-UU-Entity (LLUU-VVU-oriented CCI).

1.0186 The Collective Consciousness is the integral qualitative state of the Form-Creators’ Creative Activity of all one-type (that is, the ones that fulfill one Synthesis Scheme) Self-Consciousnesses Forms that inhabit Earth in the same STC group. Due to the Principle of Diffuzgentness of all Self-Consciousnesses Forms, the slloogrent Focus Dynamics of Collective Cosmic Intelligences are organized by all Form-Creators of Self-Consciousnesses Forms that structure many different-qualitative Collective Consciousnesses whose Focus Dynamics can reflect Synthesis Schemes typical of other birvulyarity types; however, being manifested through Self-Consciousnesses Forms of a particular CCI, their Synthesis Schemes always have a recessive (suppressed) position relative to the synthesizing Form-Creators of this type. For example, the Form-Creators’ Focus Dynamics of the LLUU-VVU-oriented CCI (of the collective LLUU-VVU-Entity) are realized in specific manifestation conditions of the 3-4-dimensional diapason through an infinite set of different-qualitative Focus Dynamics of human Collective Consciousnesses simultaneously manifested in different Time Flows (both «billions of years ago» and «billions of years in the future»).

