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Find out more about the author of Iissiidiology and IIAIDC Idea. Learn about the unique way of the deepest meditation he uses to obtain and decode this Information.

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Each Ayfaar song will inspire you and lead with confidence through the Path of the hearty Love and Light of Knowledge to the understanding of your own Essence.

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How things were formed from the very beginning - how it all has acquired its intricate meaning we are all witnessing now and how it all relates to its single-momenteness, simultaneousness and instantaneousness of our Existence.

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Commentaries to Fundamentals. Immortality is accessible to everyone. Volume 10

Fundamental Principles of Immortality

Cover volume 2

The first Chapter of Volume 10 describes the idea of genuine Immortality and tells about the necessity to transform one’s Consciousness. It also explains in detail in which Worlds and why the phenomenon of “Death” is needed, and how psychological states affect physiological Immortality. This Chapter shows the fundamental difference between our bodies of manifestation and those Self-Consciousness’ structures due to which we eternally perceive ourselves.

The second Chapter tells us what is Iissiidiology, for whom it is written, and states three postulates: there is always freedom in choosing a scenario of Life, All happens in one single moment, we simultaneously exist in many Worlds; it also tells the reader about the indigo generation, its role in the development of future society.

In the third Chapter, Oris uses the postulates to explain the multilevel and multiquality structure of our Self-Consciousnesses that can be manifested in different Time Flows (in our so-called “past” and “future” Lives) and in various dimensional diapasons. This Chapter also describes the deep initial interconnection between the entire World that exists eternally and us.

The fourth Chapter explains the notion of “rotation Cycles” from the level of personal Self-Consciousness to the levels of Worlds and Continuums. It provides a detailed description of the principles of refocusing in the Tertiary Energy-Plasma structure, as well as the principle according to which Realities, Worlds, Continuums, Conversums and Universums are formed, and there is also a brief description of the nine Levels of Self-Consciousness that connect us with GOOLGAMAA-A (the Soul-Aspect).

In the fifth Chapter, there is a full explanation of one of the postulates – the principle of many-world existence, and the conclusion based on it – each of us has virtually an infinite number of various Destinies manifested in different Worlds and quality conditions of development.


Commentaries to Fundamentals. Immortality is accessible to everyone. Volume 12

Nootime Dynamics of The Universal Focus of Self-Consciousness

Cover volume 2

The first Chapter of Volume 12 (the 9th Chapter of Commentaries to Fundamentals of Iissiidiology) explains in detail the refocusing mechanism of our Self-Consciousness and tells about unlimited possibilities we have if we understand well the organizational principles of the Universe stated in Iissiidiology. The Chapter also explains how various diseases depend on one’s Self-Consciousness refocusing in nonhuman development Direction and mentions priority features of the Human type of development such as Altruism and Intellect. It describes the phenomenon of psychic implants (dissociation of personality), tells where and why prophesies come true, gives information about coma.

The second Chapter is dedicated to the dynamic changes in structural elements of our Self-Consciousness – UU-VVU. It describes how other Civilizations are manifested through our Self-Consciousness, tells us whom we can observe at a cemetery, who observes one’s body in the state of coma, and explains many other phenomena.

The third Chapter provides details about principles of interaction with OLLAKT-DRUOTMM-systems – universal time-independent Information repository about all events and experiences in all our Lives. There is also explanation of hypnosis, “astral worlds”, mechanics of meditation, the principles of differentiation of Worlds, and others.

Commentaries to Fundamentals. Immortality is accessible to everyone. Volume 14

Self-Consciousness structure Resonation Principles

Cover volume 2

NOTICE: Only a few chapters of the book have been translated until present.

In this volume the author allows the reader to delve into the most subtle and complex, in terms of mechanisms of their manifestation, details of form-shaping synthesis processes of not only in three-dimensional range of Energy-Plasma, but also throughout the entire multidimensional energy-structure of the Universe. Every reader with an inquisitive mind and aspiration for knowledge will discover the secrets of physical laws of our material reality manifestation, as well as the mechanisms of gradually dimensional formation of inertial ranges of the Universe spatial-temporal structures. Conventionally comparing the dynamics of various forms of self-manifestation with the processes of fractal geometry formation, taking into account varying degrees of quality differentiation and the associated tension (dissonance) configuration, Oris, in an entirely new perspective describes the fundamental questions of science: mass formation, the phenomenon of gravitation, materialization mechanisms, relationship between matter and antimatter principles, and much more. In his own fashion, he describes the modern fundamental interaction theory, in particular, the physics’ standard model and superstring theory, continuously comparing the modern scientific and iissiidiological worldviews. In volume 14, he reveals the essential basic understandings regarding the concept of dimensions that allow the reader to get the key perceptions for mastering the knowledge, depicted in “IISSIIDIOLOGY Fundamentals."

Iissiidiology Fundamentals. Volume 1

Interaction of Information and Energy. The Primary Cause for the origination of Creative Activity. Self-Consciousness Focus. The Macrocosmos in whole.

Cover volume 2

"Fundamentals Volume 1" is an introduction to a 20 Volume series entitled "The Good News". Volume 1 consists of "Iissiidiology Fundamentals”, “Commentaries to Fundamentals”, and Song lyrics by the author of the series, Oris. These lyrics are highly spiritual in essence, written to the tunes of popular melodies.

From the very beginning, the author pinpoints the reader’s attention upon fundamental notions of Iissiidiology starting from basic axiomatic Conceptions. The book contains the newest interpretation of the formation of the outer reality based on the Self-Consciousness’ Focus Dynamics as the main functional mechanism of the Macrocosmos’ Creative Activity. A detailed comparison of the author’s hypotheses with existing scientific conceptions allows us to draw parallels with the current worldviews about nature, space, time, energy and to find the ways for their radical transformation and potential development.

In this volume, the author introduces the conceptual foundation necessary for an adequate understanding of all other Iissiidiology books of this series: Hierarchy of Self-Consciousness Levels, dimensional differentiation of manifestation Forms, classification of elementary (and other) particles as structural components of the Universal Plasmic-Differentiation Emission, information theory of the formation of Energy in the Macrocosmos. These are: Universal Cosmic Laws and their Principles, Diapasons of Plasmic Forces, Evolutional and Involutional Branches of development, and many other topics. The first volume of Fundamentals is the required minimum for any reader who wants to thoroughly study iissiidiologic conceptions.

Iissiidiology Fundamentals. Volume 3

The diversity of Creative Realization Forms of The Cosmic Human

Cover volume 2

 The third volume of «IISSIIDIOLOGY Fundamentals» allows readers to go deeper into yet completely unexplored by us structures that provide functioning of human Samosoznaniye and its interconnections with Formy Samosoznaniya focused by it. First two volumes of «IISSIIDIOLOGY Fundamentals» thoroughly describe the deep Nature of Causes and Mechanisms of Creative Activity of everything manifested in multidimensional and different-quality Mirozdaniye, including also qualitative Basis of Universe Structures Formo-Creators Focus Dinamics. The third volume in its turn focuses on the detailed description of basic Principles of Human and other Self-Consciousness Form manifestation in all the diversity of different-dimensional diapasons of Tertiary Illusion.

To allow the reader to fully comprehend the essence of the notion «Self-Consciousness Form», the author describes realization functions of these structures at the example of subjective formation – as a result of life creativity of every personality – of so called "personalistic Worlds", which goes far beyond existing scientific notions about the surrounding reality and peculiarities of interaction between Forms, structuring it, whether it is a human, a planet, or an elementary particle. Furthermore, he describes different-dimensional variety of Forms of lluuvvumic development Direction and characteristics of focus realization of Collective Cosmic Intelligence of the Humanity as a unified LLUU-VVU-Entity.

The third volume ends with a detailed description of multi-level manifestation of Ranges of Plasma Forces of our Universe, which are described from a position of their subjective interpretation through the specific peculiarities of human Perception systems. Endless inner transformations of Universe Illusion, as mechanisms of the Cosmic Human evolutional growth on its Way to its Universe Future, lets inquisitive readers to form in their Self-Consciousness own highly intuitive conceptions about endless varieties of all possible development variants, where goes the process of eternal multidimensional Existence of every human personality.

Iissiidiology Fundamentals. Volume 5

Basic creative possibilities for the realization of lluvvumic Creators in the mixtum Forms of NUU-VVU

Cover volume 5

The author first of all draws the reader's attention to the fundamental concepts of IISSIIDIOLOGY, starting with the basic, axiomatic Conceptions. The book provides the latest interpretation of the formation of the surrounding reality on the basis of the Focal Dynamics of Self-Consciousness as the main operational mechanism of the Creative Activity of the Universe. A close comparison of the author's hypotheses with scientific ideas allows us to draw parallels with the current worldviews on the nature of space, time, energy and to find ways of their radical transformation and potential development.

Commentaries to Fundamentals. Immortality is accessible to everyone. Volume 11

Energy and Biological Aspects of Self-Consciousness Refocusings

Cover volume 2

In the first Chapter of Volume 11 (the 7th Chapter of Commentaries to Fundamentals of Iissiidiology), Oris describes in detail functioning of Formo-Creators of the brain, how the memory is accessed, how biological structures of the brain are associated with energy-information structures of Self-Consciousness, how various Self-Consciousness Levels are differentiated and reprojected at the moment of so-called “Death”. This Chapter also describes functioning of “the intestinal brain”, how it is possible to cure at a distance (the technique of ethereal projection), gives the meaning of the esoteric term “Astral Plane” from the point of view of Iissiidiology.

 The second Chapter tells us that biological Forms can exist in different Continuums and explains the interrelationship between our lifespan and quality of active Levels of our Self-Consciousness. It also provides information on the following subjects: it is possible to “live one’s Life many times” in higher-quality scenarios, cycles of changing male and female manifestations within the structure of a multidimensional human Form, physical principles of organization of higher-frequency levels of the Universal Reality with a detailed description of the nature of boson and fermion fields, and types of particles that are carriers of such interaction.

Commentaries to Fundamentals. Immortality is accessible to everyone. Volume 13

Psychogenetic Causes of a “Human” Form’s Manifestation

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The first Chapter of Volume 13 (the 12th Chapter of Commentaries to Fundamentals of Iissiidiology) tells how the fear of “Death” affects the quality of the refocusing dynamics, describes Self-Consciousness Levels that are subject to this fear and the Levels on which the notion of “Death” is perceived as a positive evolutional mechanism. The Chapter describes situations with “accidental Deaths”, how our psychomental conditions influence the World around us, causes of events from “the future”, the meaning of lessons which Oris gives at Ayfaar.

The second Chapter describes the principles of the refocusing dynamics on various Self-Consciousness Levels during moment by moment and “after-death” refocusings, and conditions for subchakram refocusings during stresses. The Chapter also contains details about the principle of slloogrentness of our Forms and tells that we, as certain integral “personalities”, don’t exist. There are also examples that consider interage refocusings.

The third Chapter tells how DNA is connected with Self-Consciousness Levels, depicts the multidimensional structure of the “human” genome, explains the relationship between genes and Cosmic civilizations, complete scopes of manifestation of the 12-spiral DNA structure of a Human Form and the role of two present “superstructural” spirals, future opportunities of science to control the properties of telomeres and provide unlimited lifespan of biological Forms. This Chapter also describes new properties of mitochondria, how cosmic radiation affects mutagenesis, the mechanism of genetic inheritance with transmission of Self-Consciousness Levels, and true reasons of existence of so-called “junk” DNA.

The fourth Chapter describes the subjective experience of “fatal” diseases, preagonal conditions and dreams, explains psychological and physiological aspects of dreams, practices of conscious dreams, tells about the consequences of suicide, about various methods of treatment and how they affect refocusings of Self-Consciousness, what is cancer, depicts 5-minute clinical death, dissociative and somnambulistic states, etc.

Commentaries to Fundamentals. Immortality is accessible to everyone. Volume 15

Conscious way to the Human Worlds of “personal” Immortality

Cover volume 2

NOTICE: Only a few chapters of the book have been translated until present.

“Conscious Path to Human Worlds of “personal” immortality” – is the title of the new volume from the series of books by Oris "Immortality is accessible to everyone."

At first glance, it may seem to be an offer of the philosophical thinking. However, appealing to its loyal readers, the author hopes for understanding and perception of the question in a broader or if you want a deeper awareness of it. Philosophical concepts offer us sensually contemplative, mostly associative images regarding this or that question. The author also proposes us in this work, as a logical continuation of the previous volumes, the detailed practical perspectives of personality development in the True, knowing his spirituality Human.

In addition to mechanisms of work with own Self-Consciousness, which will lead people as a Humans to personal conscious Immortality, ORIS describes our«future Worlds», prospects of manifestations of approaching times. But in order everyone has understanding of their own Path, awareness of choose their spiritual development, the author not only draws "bright" prospects, but also describes in detail the obstacles that each of us may face, not noticing or not specifying their nature, unconsciously and under influence of those or otherreasonsmay deviate in ourmovement towards the Human direction.

With this book you will be able to determine the qualities, that truly inherent in people, and be able to figure out finally how to develop these qualities, which are really the Human - with a capital letter. Having experience in the highly sensuous Intelligence, you will understand why only using highly intelligent Altruism you can find the Path to the cherished Goal of your spiritual future!

Iissiidiology Fundamentals. Volume 2

Cosmic Qualities as the Basis of energy-information manifestation of all Macrocosm's Formo-Systems

Cover volume 2

Many scientists may perceive this volume of «Fundamentals of IISSIIDIOLOGY», as well as all the other books of this twenty-volume series titled «Blagaya Vest- Good News », no more than «science fiction» . Each of us has the right to believe in what is the most convincing. However, every intelligent person who possesses at least the rudiments of cognitive intuition can discover in this information those more qualitative characteristics of objective truth. Thanks to this truth the continuous Evolution of all Forms of Self-Consciousness is carried out. Because the catastrophism, periodically appearing in the process of human self-cognition, is always accompanied by the radical breaking of multitudes of old Conceptions, which by its radicalism surpasses greatly all the theoretical forecasts. Fanatical belief in dogmas and postulates established once, as well as a drive for idolization and idolatry are obvious characteristics of degradation and regression that converge modern academic science with paganish religion. But the process of Harmonious Evolution of both a separate personality and human population in general is not possible without breaking down old stereotypes and establishing. On the basis of deep cognition of Wisdom of previous and future generations much more universal conceptions about ourselves and a surrounding us reality come. This uneasy, but grandiose on its depth and scale Task of prompt and qualitative transformation of human community is assigned by the Evolution Itself on the universal knowledge of IISSIIDIOLOGY. It is absolutely new to human beings. One human being only by means of the intuitive way of cognition first and entirely receives it. We offer you to find out more about its newest fundamental Conceptions in the second volume.

Besides, the IISSIIDIOLOGY offers to Collective Consciousness of humankind an absolutely new paradigm that gives absolutely new and fresh view on the multitude of clinical phenomena studied by psychotherapists. It gives a theoretical model for understanding changes in the mentality of a patient and a hope to clarify mechanisms of effectiveness of a psychotherapeutic method.



Iissiidiology Fundamentals. Volume 4

Structure and Laws of implementation of Macrocosmos skrruullerrt system energy-informational dynamics

Cover volume 4

In the «Iissiidiology Fundamentals» first three volumes, deep underlying Nature of Reasons and Mechanisms of the Creative Activity of everything is described. Everything is manifested in one way or another in multidimensional and different-quality Macrocosmos, including also qualitative Vase for Focus Dynamics of the Universal Structures Form-Creators and exhibition Principles of Human and other Self-Consciousness Forms in Tertiary Illusion different-dimensional diapasons all variety. By continuing studying these questions in depth, «the Fundamentals» fourth volume describes the realization Nature of the Universe Cosmic Entity (DDIIUUUI) and Its Highest Collective Cosmic Mind (AYFAAR), and also the focus realization Mechanism of Its Self-Consciousness as the Prime Reason of manifestation of the Universe observed by us.

In the beginning of the volume, the author recalls generation principles and mechanisms of the human subjective Realities, explains interconnections between the Tertiary and the Secondary Illusions Form-Сreators, while describing thoroughly Fields-Consciousnesses structure, defines birvulyartnost and its Qualitativeness types conception. The main part of the volume is devoted to description of the Reasons and principles of the Universe Cosmic Entity Focus Dynamics, various energy-informational structures of Its Self-Consciousness, and also to disclosure of SFUURMM-Forms human-type realization process and Form-Creators Focus Dynamics amplificational aggradation process.

This volume concludes with summarizing, integration of everything described — with Information about Universal Cosmic Laws and Their Principles providing fundamental basis for generation of all Self-Consciousnesses Forms in Macrocosmos Tertiary, the Secondary, and the Primary Illusions.

Iissiidiology Fundamentals. Volume 6


Bioenergetic processes of formation of the Focus Dynamics of Self-Consciousness

Cover volume 5

This book is a part of the general multivolume informational cycle "The Great Message", consisting of the Iissiidiology Fundamentals, Commentaries to the Fundamentals and collections of Ayfaar Songs – songs with highly spiritual content, the texts for which were written by Oris on popular and beloved melodies.
In the sixth volume of Iissiidiology Fundamentals, the author invites the reader to delve into the study of the creative activity of our Self-Consciousness through the specific characteristics and interaction features of various biosystems of the human body.
One of the most valuable results achieved by the author in this work is the formation of clear connections between biochemical neurohormonal processes in the body and our mental capabilities, individual awareness and quality of our choices. The author shows that it is not spontaneous hormonal activity caused by the environment, instinctive habits and the same diet, but our volitional efforts, mental attitude, concentration on our own aspirations, as well as a multitude of very different Conceptions, determine both the state of our health and the comfort of our moral attitudes, and scenarios of our fate (a series of our choices).
The description of the psychodynamics of our Self-Consciousness on a level-by-level basis: from the most primitive, instinctive to the most conscious, harmonious, possessing creative and constructive tendencies, may be no less significant for the reader. Perhaps this approach to the study of human consciousness will seem unexpected and unreasonable to some, but the reader will not be able not to agree that by studying the human psyche in this interpretation, he will naturally begin to self-analyze own reactions and mental states. This, in many respects a practical method of human cognition, has much more significant potential than it might seem at first glance.