Axiomatic Conceptions of Iissiidiology. § Vibration

This is adopted English translations of Iissiidiology. Fundamentals. Volume 1

1.0239 Vibration (from Latin vibratio — oscillation, tremble) is any type of manifestation of the Form-Creators’ Focus Dynamics of Energy-Plasma in Space-Time; it is expressed through any combinations of the eglleroliftive and irrkoglictive Impulse-Potentials in Energy-Plasma (though, we can consider any phenomenon only from the point of view of an energoinformational interaction between Form-Creators of the SYNTHETIC Evolutional Branch and Info-Creators of the RESOSCONTIONAL Involutional Branch of Development). In the mode of the 3-4-dimensional diapason of manifestation, the state of «vibration» (generation of oscillatory, trembling, wavelike-advancing shifts in Space-Time) of any Self-Consciousness Form is maximally reflected through characteristics of a vector sum of continuous spin moments that specifically structure each part of manifestation of its Configuration in a given resonational point. Let me remind you that spin is an individual moment of an impulse (a quantity of rotating motion) of elementary particles, it has quantum nature and is not connected with movement of a particle as a whole; in other words, this is the figurative «pixel» (a Configuration of the smallest «quantum shift») whose total dynamics «encrust» the slloogrent Configuration of the entire subjective Reality around us.

1.0240 In a broader iissiidiological Sense, the term «vibration» reflects an inertial process of qualitative rotation of focus energoinformational interconnections, and this process is generated by any Focus Dynamics of Form-Creators regardless of their manifestation Form. A specific Configuration of vibration is the main component part in resonational manifestation of any Self-Consciousness Form in its typical dimension (vibrational Level or resopason).

1.0241 Examples of lower-quality (relative to the LLUU-VVU-oriented development Direction) carriers of vibration are subnuclear (doolls-typesubquantum, subwave, subelementary) projections of the slloogrent Configuration of Fields-Consciousnesses; examples of higher-quality ones are superuniversal projections of the Configuration of Fields-Consciousnesses (in Essence, they are the same!) (flaks-type — superquantum, superwave), and «above» them (up to the 12th dimension), there are hyperuniversal and protouniversal projections of the focal Configuration of these Fields-Consciousnesses. Each particle (energoinformational combination) of a Field-Consciousness has the ability to generate a specific vibration in Space-Time.

1.0242 Now you must clarify and understand the huge difference in meaning between terms used in modern science and the same terms used as iissiidiological notions. For example, IISSIIDIOLOGY considers the term «particle» as the collective Focus Dynamics of many different-qualitative Fields-Consciousnesses that synthesize various qualitative Levels of Energy-Plasma. For example, corpuscles and waves of our subjective Reality (the 3rd-4th dimension) are simultaneously structured by projections of Fields-Consciousnesses that have Forms of subnuclear doolls-particles (the 2nd-3rd dimension) and superuniversal flaks-particles (the 4th-5th dimension); the dynamics of flaks-particles, in turn, are formed by inter-Qualitative interactions between wave-particles (the 3rd-4th dimension) and vuolds-particles (the 5th-6th dimension); the dynamics of vuolds-particles are formed by dynamic interconnections between flaks-particles (the 4th-5th dimension) and orfrov-particles (the 6th-7th dimension), and so on. Potentially, in accordance with the Principle of Slloogrentness, the creative dynamics of each particle that structure «the adjacent lower» Level slloogrently (potentially) include creative possibilities of particle «projections» from all other «higher» Levels of Energy-Plasma.


