Commentaries to Fundamentals. Immortality is accessible to everyone. Volume 11

Energy and Biological Aspects of Self-Consciousness Refocusings

Cover volume 2

In the first Chapter of Volume 11 (the 7th Chapter of Commentaries to Fundamentals of Iissiidiology), Oris describes in detail functioning of Formo-Creators of the brain, how the memory is accessed, how biological structures of the brain are associated with energy-information structures of Self-Consciousness, how various Self-Consciousness Levels are differentiated and reprojected at the moment of so-called “Death”. This Chapter also describes functioning of “the intestinal brain”, how it is possible to cure at a distance (the technique of ethereal projection), gives the meaning of the esoteric term “Astral Plane” from the point of view of Iissiidiology.

 The second Chapter tells us that biological Forms can exist in different Continuums and explains the interrelationship between our lifespan and quality of active Levels of our Self-Consciousness. It also provides information on the following subjects: it is possible to “live one’s Life many times” in higher-quality scenarios, cycles of changing male and female manifestations within the structure of a multidimensional human Form, physical principles of organization of higher-frequency levels of the Universal Reality with a detailed description of the nature of boson and fermion fields, and types of particles that are carriers of such interaction.
