Axiomatic Conceptions of Iissiidiology. § The Principle of Imperseptness
This is adopted English translations of Iissiidiology. Fundamentals. Volume 1
1.0216 The Principle of Imperseptness (from imperceptible — too subtle to be perceived) is reflected in Space-Time as inability of «projections» of heterogeneous information fragments to directly create complex-configuration combinations with each other, because there are no tendencies (or they are weakly expressed in given manifestation conditions) for heterogeneous features to resonationally interact with each other within the fragments’ reconverstive Configurations. To make possible an intensive interaction between imperceptible fragments, first they must be transformed into some other qualitative combinations of Energy-Plasma whose focal Configurations will be partially structured by common features. This means that imperseptness, as qualitative incompatibility between focal Configurations of different-qualitative Self-Consciousnesses Forms according to certain features, can transmute into a covarllert state between them only in case of a joint manifestation of their Focus Dynamics in higher-dimensional resopasons (that is, when they add corresponding heterogeneous Information).