Message to English speaking audience from the Author

round 1 "Dear readers, WITHOUT A SCRUTINY OF RUSSIAN LANGUAGE IT IS SIMPLY IMPOSSIBLE TO UNDERSTAND DEEPLY THIS KNOWLEDGE. Any translation of Iissiidiology to other language even if it is made by a very experienced translator-iissiidiologist distorts the meaning of the texts by 60-70%. At the same time, due to the forceful simplification of sentences composite structure, it also deforms powerfully the entire Mechanism of mandatory activation in the cerebral cortex of those neural fields and systems that provide cognitive enhancement. I potentially lay down this Mechanism that is hidden in the peculiarities of text’s formation. During the process of Iissiidiology learning, it also provides a progressive advance and deepening the possibilities of the intuitive perception as well as stabilizes links to the collective Subconscious. Without the presence of these links is quite impossible to achieve the desired state of DEEPEST Meditation. In addition, in every sentence of the original Russian text invisibly and latently the Focus Dynamics of Self-Consciousness of the AUTHOR futures (with all his inherent depth Understanding of what he writes). This creates additional opportunities for progressive developments and gain the intuitive and unconscious psyche – mental links from the reader to the author. While when studying Iissiidiology in translation, the reader, to a far greater degree, has a remote contact with the Self-Consciousness of the interpreter who does not know the answers many questions that arise during the study." Oris

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  • Home
  • Fundamentals. Volume 1
  • Section I. Integral concepts that form the basis of iissiidiologic Notions
  • Chapter 3. Axiomatic Conceptions of Iissiidiology
  • § - Formo- and Info-Creators

Axiomatic Conceptions of Iissiidiology. § - Formo- and Info-Creators

This is adopted English translations of Iissiidiology. Fundamentals. Volume 1


1.0049 First, I would like to specify that the slloogrent Focus Dynamics of the Macrocosmos’s Higher Cosmic Intelligence involve not Form-Creators, but their «projections» that, in each case of their manifestation, represent all possible subjective Conceptions of the Universal Self-Consciousness of the information SSS-Entity about «Itself.» We will consider it in detail later, while hereafter, in order to avoid any confusion, let’s use the term «Form-Creators» in its simplified form, without specifying their Nature as «projections,» which we will remember only when it will be important to mention it to explain something.

1.0050 So, what are Form-Creators? They are initial carriers of all universal properties of Cosmic Energy, that is, special «constructors,» whose primary task is to create the whole infinite set of diverse Forms of «themselves» in the Creation, which they need for their own creative Self-expression. For this purpose, they use the only «material» initially available to them — Information. Every type of Form-Creators, depending on the qualitative state of their manifestation in the slloogrent Focus Dynamics of the Macrocosmos’s Higher Intelligence, represents a certain type of Cosmic Energy, and therefore it can purposefully manipulate the Cosmic Information type that qualitatively corresponds to it. This joint combination-manipulation (I intentionally do not use the word «synthesis,» because far from all States of the Macrocosmos are manifested by means of an inter-Qualitative Synthesis) in Energy-Plasma brings forth «crystallization» of an infinite set of results of such energoinformational interactions — Focuses that are arranged into manifestation Rezomirals according to the principle of Resonation; and the universal basis of multifunctional properties of Rezomirals is formed by Configurations of «karmonation» Fields-Consciousnesses — narrowly-specific Forms of creative cooperation between most covarllert* kinds of Energy and Information. They — manifestation Rezomirals — represent (on the part of the Cosmic Energy Potential) the fundamental basis for the formation of the slloogrent Configuration («geometry») of Space, Time, and the Macrocosmos in whole.

* See the covarllertness principle in the last subsection of Axiomatic Conceptions of IISSIIDIOLOGY.

1.0051 Now let’s consider what I imply by the term «Info-Creators» and how they participate in the manifestation of absolutely all Form-structures of the Macrocosmos? The first thing you should understand is that slloogrent Configurations of the whole diversity of different-qualitative Info-Creators are structured by an innumerable set of sub-…-sub-Aspects of one of the 12 Pure Cosmic Qualities, that is, by elementary fragments of Information and their specific resonational combinations (for example, UU-VVU-formation represents structural combinations of Info-Creators’ Configurations characteristic of the LLUU-VVU-oriented Synthesis Scheme; the symbol «-VVU» means that the Creators’ Focus Dynamics are involved in the Synthesis according to this Scheme. By the way, Synthesis can be carried out in the Focus Dynamics both between innumerable sub-Aspects and Aspects of one Pure Quality (inter-Aspect Synthesis) and between Aspects of different Pure Qualities (inter-Qualitative Synthesis). The latter is always preceded by corresponding inter-Aspect interactions carried out with the help of Form-Creators of each synthesized Quality.

1.0052 These fragments, whose entire heterogeneous aggregate represents the Cosmic Information Potential of Energy-Plasma or Its Initial Essence, cannot be independently manifested in any way without one characteristic feature of Energy-Plasma conditioned by «the Cosmic Law of conservation of Information-Energy Balance»* (FFLAAYY-TTAARR). One of Its Principles (that of Resonational Response) that acts in all carriers of Energy and Information states: each creative state of Energy corresponds to a strictly-definite creative state of Information, and vice versa.

* Cosmic Laws will be described in detail in the next volumes of IISSIIDIOLOGY Fundamentals.

1.0053 I must note that we can consider all energoinformational Mechanisms described in IISSIIDIOLOGY that deal with organization and fulfillment of all slloogrent Focus Dynamics of the Macrocosmos only from a narrowly-specific point of view based on our subjective interpretation of any Information (or rather on the VVU-«principle» peculiar to the Focus Dynamics along with all other principles, which is characteristic of the focal Configurations of «our» — LLUU-VVU-oriented — Form-Creators), because we simply cannot know and understand anything else in any other way. This limitation is conditioned by an objectively formed organization of decoding Perception structures of our Self-Consciousnesses Forms differentiated in Space-Time by the Collective Cosmic Intelligence of LLUU-VVU that structures, together with an innumerable set of Collective Cosmic Intelligences that belong to all other Proto-Forms, a more extensive — Collegial — type of Cosmic Intelligence of GOOLGAMAA-A. Our subjective Conceptions of this kind concerning anything that happens both inside ourselves and in our outer reality do not mean at all that THIS IS THE WAY IT REALLY IS — in any particular manifestation spectrum of its typical slloogrent properties, the Macrocosmos is subjectively considered by Form-Creators of Self-Consciousnesses Forms that belong to other Proto-Forms of GOOLGAMAA-A and is accordingly imagined and interpreted taking into account that the Macrocosmos is structured by OTHER diversified combinations and kinds of Information typical of the Synthesis Schemes carried out by them.

1.0054 We cannot consider these Conceptions (that are formed by Form-Creators of Self-Consciousnesses that belong to other Proto-Forms on manifestation Levels identical to ours but in narrowly-specific conditions of their typical dimensional types) of lower or higher quality as compared to our own Conceptions, because these are incommensurable categories of information combinations. Since we kleks all our Knowledge (specifically model and «individually mark») only on the basis of VVU-«principle» typical of people, for the sake of objectivity, you should not forget about the highest degree of subjectivism which we «apply to» («project on») any Information specifically «unpacked» and creatively used by us. The degree of this subjectivism decreases only when we activate and begin to stably manipulate higher-frequency SFUURMM-Forms in the information space of our Self-Consciousness that are structured by a much larger (as compared to our previous Conceptions) volume of resonationally-combined, heterogeneous information fragments.


1.0055 Any Focus Dynamics constantly have characteristic features of the Principle of Resonation due to which original carriers of Information (information fragments) also «become crystallized» in Energy-Plasma as an infinite set of Forms of their simultaneous resonational interaction with original (fragmentary, elementary) carriers of Energy; as a consequence, along with Configurations of Form-Creators, the Macrocosmos includes a narrowly-specific manifestation of strictly-corresponding (in vibrations) Configurations of all possible Info-Creators that represent the information part of the above mentioned «karmonation-type» Fields-Consciousnesses (or simply «karmonations»). This characteristic part of specific Focus Dynamics of a Self-Consciousness has its own manifestation zone; and this zone is not Form-structures of Space-Time which are just «a reflection mechanism,» but it is the information space of Self-Consciousness. There is an individual Sound Cosmic Code for this part — SFUURMM-Forms. It is they that model and organize any of our subjective Conceptions.

1.0056 In their «generalized» states («beyond» any manifestation through a particular Self-Consciousness Form, that is, before their subjective manifestation in the information space), SFUURMM-Forms structure beyond-time, universal information formations within Energy-Plasma — that part of It which can be figuratively designated as «Info-Plasma.» In Its Tertiary State — from the 0 to the 12th dimension — Info-Plasma is represented in the Focus Dynamics of any Self-Consciousness Form’s Form-Creators by an infinite diversity of OLLAKT-DRUOTMM-systems (ODS) and FLUU-LUU-complexes (FLC), which are divided into general abstract Conceptions of Collective Intelligences according to their functionality, or UU-Forms, and specifically-fragmented UU-copies. The latter resonationally form narrowly-specific configurational combinations in individual ODS of every Self-Consciousness Form — UU-conglomerates (FLUU-doubles in FLUU-LUU-complexes).

1.0057 I would like to emphasize the fact that UU-Forms are not associated with definite types of self-expression, they rather represent a universal set with combinations of certain reconverstive* (unique, inimitable, and indivisible) Configurations of heterogeneous information fragments that — through the Focus of Dual Reflection (FDR) and the Universal Multipolarization Impulse (UMPI) — structure the slloogrent Focus Dynamics of GOOLGAMAA-A’s different-type Collective Intelligences. Since we can synthesize Information only in accordance with the VVU-feature peculiar to the Focus Dynamics of our NUU-VVU-Forms, all UU-Forms which we use during «unpacking» within our Self-Consciousnesses become human UU-VVU-Forms for the Conceptions modeled by us, while UU-copies, UU-conglomerates, and FLUU-doubles formed within the multipolarization of focuses correspondingly become UU-VVU-copies, UU-VVU-conglomerates, and FLUU-VVU-doubles of all possible human Conceptions.

* reconverstness (from Latin «re» — «again,» «a repetition of an action» and conversio — a change, transformation) — the maximum (highest) degree of individualization of a certain information fragment’s feature, which keeps unchanged the fragment’s inherent Essence in any compositional variations of interactions with narrowly-specific features of other information fragments, as well as in any diversification transformations of combinations formed by them.

1.0058 Thus the entire infinite set of simultaneously-manifested Creative Activity Spheres for Form-Creators of the Macrocosmos are structured by an infinite set of narrowly-specific reflections of different-qualitative manifestations of Info-Creators’ Creative Activity — UU-VVU-Forms which are formed (transformed) into fragmented Self-Consciousness types in the synthetic part of the Tertiary Energy-Plasma — into subjective UU-VVU-copies of UU-VVU-conglomerates, or into their more universal analogs — FLUU-VVU-doubles. Resonational aggregations of many UU-VVU-copies form less fragmented Forms of their creative manifestation — UU-VVU-conglomerates that use the mechanisms of the Focus Dynamics of corresponding Self-Consciousness types for their independent and individual manifestation through resonationally-corresponding Form-structures of Space-Time.

1.0059 For example, «the space located above all living beings on the planet» is an UU-Form; the fact that this space is denoted as «the sky» (in any language or dialect used by people) means that this is an UU-VVU-Form that reflects exactly human Conceptions about this «space»; while someone’s personal attitude to this UU-VVU-Form («the blue sky,» «the beautiful sky,» «the cloudy sky,» «the ominous sky,» «the joyful sky,» «the sky heavy with clouds,» and so on) represents kinds of UU-VVU-copies synthesized by the Form-Creators from various Self-Consciousness Levels on the basis of this UU-VVU-Form. According to the type of their creative directivity and the degree of their quality — positivity or negativity, sensuousness or rationality, depth or superficiality, figurativeness or formality, and so on — innumerable UU-VVU-copies are resonationally combined in the information space of Self-Consciousness into UU-VVU-conglomerates whose specific Configurations can simultaneously structure «parts» of slloogrent Configurations of many manifestation Forms of this Self-Consciousness in different Time Flows and groups of Continuums. These are Info-Creators and the dynamics of their Focuses of Dual Reflection or Universal Multipolarization Impulses form all possible OLLAKT-DRUOTMM-system and FLUU-LUU-complexes in the Macrocosmos — the Spheres of prerogative realizational Creativity of Info-Creators.


1.0060 So, what did we just find out? First, Energy-Plasma and the Macrocosmos are two inseparable parts of One Whole that represent, in different ways in Their common «Creation,» That which can be subjectively defined as «the Initial Essence of Everything.» Second, both Form-Creators and Info-Creators are represented in the Macrocosmos only through Configurations of the Forms jointly constituted by them — «karmonations» or Fields-Consciousnesses; they simply do not have other — separate, isolated — means of manifestation of any Creative Activity typical both of Energy and of Information. Third, any sub-…-sub-Aspects or Aspects of Pure Qualities as such are not Info-Creators, they just structure their slloogrent Configurations. The word «Creator» implies the presence of certain subjective dynamics expressed, for example, through the compatibility of Form-Creators’ FCA and Info-Creators’ FDR; these dynamics are carried out with the help of different-qualitative Self-Consciousnesses Forms. Fourth, the Sphere of predominance of Form-Creators’ realizational Creativity includes Rezomirals of the Macrocosmos, and absolutely all subjective Worlds’ Form-Systems, types of Realities, and Continuums are structured on the basis of Rezomirals, while the Sphere of predominance of Info-Creators’ realizational Creativity consists of OLLAKT-DRUOTMM-systems, FLUU-LUU-complexes, and other energoinformational formations that structure the Macrocosmos just like Rezomirals.

1.0061 The true Meaning of «the Creation» of Energy-Plasma (in Essence — it is the Meaning of Energy-Plasma’s Reflection through the slloogrent Focus Dynamics of the Macrocosmos) is not in the fact of Its simultaneous, infinitely multiple manifestation, but in the universal multifunctionality of the Self-Consciousness that structures the Creation; and this Self-Consciousness makes it possible for any type of Creative Activity within Energy-Plasma to manifest its unique «individuality,» which, however, is limited by the direct participation (manifestation) in the corresponding (in quality) collective Focus Dynamics. It may be approximately compared with a very powerful computer with very complex programs installed on it; the computer becomes completely useless without electric power (that is, a computer without electric power is as useless as a Form without Self-Consciousness features in it). This can be also compared with a human body (organism) in «a vegetative» state or in coma: it seems that the body has everything necessary to provide normal Life, however, it lacks «something» that would specifically organize the manifestation of Life through the structures of this body.

1.0062 As you see, Energy-Plasma and Its qualitative Reflection — the Macrocosmos — cannot be considered in a simple and unambiguous way that might seems natural to you at first; and to avoid the Illusion of utter subjectivism, each of you should thoroughly think over this Information. The Illusion of seeming (to you) «dynamism» of the outer reality is individually and specifically formed not somewhere «outside you,» but only in the information space of your Self-Consciousness — due to the continuously-changing Focus Dynamics of its Form-Creators, as the Dynamics have qualitative changes and «are being projected» (as a result of eglleroliftive and irrkoglictive Impulses in universal slloogrentness of Energy-Plasma) onto configurational features of other Forms, thus causing a subjective effect of their «motion» or «qualitative change» (like frames on a film strip that move at a certain speed relative to the observation point). The Macrocosmos’s Form-structures — Rezomirals — «always» (in One Moment of Eternity) remain unchanged on any multimillion dimensional Level of Space-Time considered by us.

1.0063 Absolutely EVERYTHING that can be self-consciously manifested (Exist) in Space-Time in the form of different-qualitative Self-Consciousnesses Forms, — already IS from the beginning (always «was» and always «will be»), and no one (either any «God» or any of you!) can change anything at one’s discretion, because all versions of anything you could think of and wish already exist in «current» characteristic development scenarios of your LLUU-VVU-Form. You can just choose objects (SFUURMM-Forms) for your Focus, change some Focuses by qualitatively-different ones (the Focus Dynamics of your Self-Consciousness), sequentially and intentionally refocusing from Configurations of the Forms that structure some development scenarios into Configurations from other scenarios.

1.0064 To make the consideration of this paragraph more effective, I would like to use the following allegory: the nominal «static» state of Rezomirals can be compared with a reading room in the library that contains a definite number of books that are systematized and put on the shelves in accordance with their subjects. Regardless of your activity (or that of any other person) before coming to the library or what you will do after that, the information contained in the books of this reading room was, is and will be constant. When you come to the library, you can use your Focus to resonationally attract only those books from the library’s diversity into your Self-Consciousness, which are of interest to you at a given moment, while all other books seem as non-existent to you at that time! When you read a book in the reading room which you have taken from a certain bookshelf (Rezomiral), you in no way change the information contained in it (it cannot disappear anywhere from the book), you just individually imagine this information, identifying your Focus with a certain attitude towards the content of this information. After using the book, you put it back on its shelf, and it can be immediately used by all other readers, while your Focus is already involved in the content of another book.


1.0065 You might ask about the source of any Focus Dynamics, if EVERYTHING ALREADY IS and EVERYTHING is absolutely constant. What can change in this constancy? The answer is that the Focus Dynamics that structure Configurations of Self-Consciousnesses Forms are just one of many Principles of the Universal Nature of Energy-Plasma. That Which we perceive as «the Macrocosmos» is just an Integral Form of Universal Reflection of absolutely all typical States of Energy-Plasma. Absolutely all! However, only in their highest Expression, These States are absolutely harmonized and balanced, «projecting» (transgressing) Their typical Energy-Information into the entire infinite set of Configurations of lower-quality Forms of Their simultaneous and slloogrent Manifestation, that is, into That Which we subjectively define as «the Macrocosmos.» These slloogrent Configurations represent «different-qualitative projections of individual Focus Dynamics» of absolutely all Fields-Consciousnesses (Form-Creators + Info-Creators).

1.0066 In essence, the simultaneous, different-type and different-qualitative* «dynamics of Focuses» represent the Main Mechanism (the Cosmic Principle) of manifestation of any Space-Time Form-structure (the so-called «geometry of space»). The question is where the Focuses are manifested. Where can they be reflected? They do it in themselves! Although this seemingly «complex statement» might be at first completely incomprehensible to many of you, you must at least remember the following: there is nothing in your outer reality except different-type and different-qualitative combinations of Focuses (that is, the Focus Dynamics)! Everything that you subjectively perceive as «worlds» and «realities» is an intermediate product of «your» own thinking and psychological creativity, which is adapted to characteristics of your Self-Consciousness’ Perception system. We can put with certainty the equal sign between the definitions «Focuses» and «Configurations of Forms»: Form-structures are sets of Configurations that have common «points» of different-qualitative resonance; the Configurations are reflections of the qualitative state of Focuses. It turns out that there is nothing else in the Macrocosmos that manifest any features of self-consciousness apart from specific (for each dimensional type) reflections of Focuses (Self-Consciousnesses Forms)!

* That which involves Aspects of different Qualities.

1.0067 Higher States of Energy-Plasma are transgressed into the Macrocosmos (in One Instant of Eternity!) by means of slloogrent (in their Nature) eglleroliftive Impulses (they specifically stimulate the focal Configurations of Form-Creators and play the key role in the so-called «evolutional selection») and irrkoglictive Impulses (they are initially inherent in the Configurations of Info-Creators). These Impulses form the energoinformational basis for all svilgs-spherations* (a directed, quality-transforming, Creative Activity of Form-Creators strictly in accordance with their Synthesis Scheme and their type of birvulyarity) within the Focus Dynamics of Self-Consciousnesses Forms on any multimillion-dimensional Level of manifestation in Energy-Plasma. These Impulses represent the States of absolute resonation of Energy-Plasma, that is, a hypothetical slloogrent «point» with its typical infinite Potential for manifestation of different-qualitative, mutually NON-resonational (that is, dissonational to some extent) Focuses of possible Creative Activity of Fields-Consciousnesses (of both synthetic and non-synthetic nature!).

*svilgs-spherations - directed, quality-transforming, Creative Activity of Formo-Creators strictly in accordance with their Synthesis Scheme and their type of birvulârtnost

1.0068 This means that any degree of manifestation of the Macrocosmos’s Form-structures in the information space of Self-Consciousness is not an objective fact, but is specifically «projected» into the Perception system of this slloogrent Configuration of Self-Consciousness (Form), is individually perceived, and subjectively interpreted by its own Fields-Consciousnesses, which results in an inertial (that is, focus-type, illusory) formation of corresponding dynamics as Conceptions about the outer «reality» in this information space. These SFUURMM-Forms reflect not the objective Reality (Which is characteristic only of Collegial Cosmic Intelligences whose Focus Dynamics reflect the highest States of Energy-Plasma!), but only the degree of quality of Fields-Consciousnesses that directly participate in the process of this focus reflection, whose perception of the outer reality will always be EXCLUSIVELY SUBJECTIVE (therefore, we can state only «more objective» or «more subjective» Conceptions that will never reflect «the objective Truth» in its entirety and in the diversity of Its manifestations).

1.0069 Thus, it is possible to say that the mechanism of individual perception of «your outer reality» is always expressed as a result of your current subjective Conceptions about it that are inertially materialized with the help of the Form-Creators’ Focus Dynamics of the focused-by-you «personalized» Interpretation. The dynamic structure of Energy-Plasma (the slloogrent Focus Dynamics of the Macrocosmos’s Higher Intelligence) may be figuratively imagined as an integral aggregate of energoinformational parameters of all multilevel Configurations of Self-Consciousnesses that organize inter-Qualitative Synthesis processes (as well as other processes) into mutually-and-slloogrently «projected» Forms (as well as Forms «projected» into more extensive energoinformational Forms) of development scenarios whose Essence reflects various focus states. The general Focus Dynamics of the Collective Consciousness of «the current» humankind birvulyartly «permeates» the entire infinite set of versions of different-qualitative synthetic processes carried out in the narrow spectrum (Synthesis Direction) of the 3-4-dimensional diapason within Energy-Plasma (that is, in accordance with the Universal Synthesis Scheme provided by LLUU-VVU-Entities at initial stages).



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